F-4F KWS LV dev thread

Heheh, thanks. I’m taking a break but I’ll be back with more reports soon.

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ty for telling me, i appreciate the heads up. We will know for sure if its fixed if gaijin changes the status of my report, since i am the person that reported the R-73 behaviour.

R-73 autopilot and Thrust vectoring broken // Gaijin.net // Issues

For reference this pit is what most F4s after the C should look like as this is the pit for the F4E which is what the F series is based off of. For some reason the snail is really lazy and simply copy pasted the C pit into basically every phantom with minor adjustments to the HUD for a certain few like the F4S, EJ KAI, and Kur 2000.

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Nah, it shouldnt be any higher than 12.3 even with L(i)'s. Any higher than 12.3 and it should have IRIS-T.

In sim its even worse, no HUD, no HMD, limited PGM’s, horrid FM, its literally food for everything else in the sky.


Hopefully they change the rest of the F-4Es to use this one now that it’s completed

No mate IRIS-T at 12.7 is just plane silly

If it got its 9L(i) it would be fine where it is

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A good joke, but not funny


The ICE doesnt have an HMD, and has a horrid FM compared to everything. You’d still need to radar lock or point the nose directly at anything to even get a shot off, and the french just got the Mica which is also over the shoulder, on a better airframe that carries more of them, with an HMD. Tf do you mean its “silly”?!

The IRIS-T would literally be the ONLY way this jet MIGHT be able to kill a 4th gen flown by a semi competant, non-glue eating pilot WVR.


Should the Tornado F3 late get ASRAAM then in your opinion

Cause i think both will be fine at 12.7 with 9M and 9L(i) for them

Lack of HMD and worse flight model is why they are at a lower BR

i mean, in my humble opinion the f3 late could do with a slight br reduction together with the f4f ice, like 12.3


its BR compression that is doing us here

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i mean, if gajin somehow gets the idea that the belgian f-16 with aim 9m can be 12.0 i see no issue with ours being 12.3 xD

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That need to be change ASAP really

It should get AIM-120B (I know the upgrade for ingame purposes doesn’t particularly matter do to gaijins poor multi pathing model) because to my knowledge Germany never bought the AIM-120A. (Correct me if I’m wrong)

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Both should be 12.3 with IRCCM missiles.

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R27R is slightly worse. R27ER is infinitely better.

This ain’t gonna fly in Sim. No way.
No HUD, no HMD, no HOBS missile.
It’s gonna be a dog food in EC8.
WVR is bound to happen and then ICE is dead.

GJ should put 4xR77 on +Mig29, instead of this.
Plus, if GER gets put on the Soviet side, again, there will be a shitload of TKs, again.
This is wrong on so many levels…


Probably yeah? But thats not the plane we were discussing is it?

Everything else at 12.7 already has 9M or equivalents, along with better airframes and HMD’s. Until MP is fixed, close in performance will ALWAYS matter more than BVR capabilities.

Its not low enough, seeing as there is a majpr difference in value between BVR perfprmance and WVR performance.

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Fortunately, there shouldnt be much TK’s since nobody would be stupid enough to run an F-4 in EC8 EXCEPT germany, so its pretty obvious who’s team the F-4 is on if you see one.

Thats little solace for how atrocious this thing will be in EC8 though. Might as well be a bot plane cuz its a free kill, and cant even do groundstrike properly.

One it has nothing wrong with its BVR

Two HMD isn’t the be all end all of a plane it should get 9L(i) and stay at 12.7

12.3 in my opinion would be too low as they are much better then the planes at 12.3

This is more of a compression issue really though