F-4F KWS LV dev thread

Don’t bring us into this, we’re stuck with artificially nerfed BOL rails (so that CM count is somewhat meaningless), the AIM-120A and B’s physical properties are (as of now) the exact same, the only “grievance” that is justified is the 9Ls, which quite frankly aren’t good enough


Already Reported

Missing AIM-9Li
Incorrect Radar Warning Receiver
Model Inaccuracies

Not Reported

Incorrect centreline Drop Tank
Missing IRIS-T
Missing AIM-120B AMRAAM
Missing AIM-65D
Missing CCIP
Missing BLU-1/B fire bombs
Missing Matra 250 bomb


shouldn’t there be Underwing Fuel tanks too?

also I thought it had AGM65G too


There are underwing tanks but they are the correct type

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there are no in game underwing fuel tanks for the phantoms

Oh, yeah, I’m retarded. I think I was thinking of the F-16 for some reason. My brain is a bit fried at the moment.

This cockpit does not look very digital at all… Is this correct, boys?

Correction, there is no way in hell its correct it still has the old school gun piper & no hud info

Yes, there were only minor changes in the cockpit. No head-up display, no head-down display, no helmet mounted sight, no MFDs.


Didn’t the WSO get a few MFDs?

Edit: Not that it matters for War Thunder.

I should also mention that this is an upgrade that was entering service in 1989, and was being developed before that naturally, so it isn’t that unusual.

Ok, just want to make sure you guys are not getting robbed.

That is fascinating though. So, no digital avionics. Just combat sensors like Radar, fire control & RWR.

Ok, so the F-4F KWS LV should still be lighter in the nose.

The Radar & fire control are digital (must be for aim-120 support). So, it still is much lighter than the F-4E analog radar & sparrow fire control of the 1970s.

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I have been flying top tier so long I forgot combat flaps was a thing lol.

It seems to handle decently. I do not see it having issues in Air RB other than not having Aim-9Ls…

But 12.7 with Aim-9Ls? Because of Aim-120s? Low CM count too?

The Italian harrier is 12.3 has more CM, same radar, Aim-9Ms & Aim-120s… Interesting move on GJ’s part.

yea no the F4F is confirmed to be this heavy, it’s the heaviest of all phantoms even without ordenance

Does it have IFF? Because IRL it didn’t. Won’t make much of a difference in ARB, but in sim…

Edit: speaking of the interrogator here

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in game there is no IFF modelled

That is actually physically impossible.

Because the Radar is smaller & digital. Its fire control is smaller & digital. The Radar is so small you can fit it & the M61 in the nose without changing the aircrafts shape. F-18 Hornet.

If the weight is the same, it’s not because the radar. It’s something else that the F4F has, that the E does not.

they kept some of the analog fire control computing for the old weapons in the aircraft and just added more for the new AMRAAMs

or at least thats how I heard it

How? the F-4F had it removed because they never got sparrows.

I do not think the F4F was ever delivered with the sparrow fire control upon purchase.

yes they never got the Sparrow computer but the Ballistic computer for bombs rockets guns and the fire control for mavericks was still analogue