F-4B “Shoehorn”: Vanguard of the Phantoms (now with countermeasures!)

An F-111 with Sparrows? Tell me more.

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Now that the battle rating shift has happened, should I make a new poll on what BR the F-4B should be at? I don’t see any way to edit my original post so I assume I’d have to add the poll in a reply or something.


would love to see it with that livery default. but it would probably be better for it to get the aim-9d stock and aim-9e as a modification.

No, AIM-9E was only used by the Air Force, while AIM-9D was only used by the Navy. 9B → 9D is the only progression that would make sense by service history. Also I personally think the 9D is superior to the 9E.

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oh wait I got the aim 9c mixed up with the d lol

The AIM-9C was only ever used on the F-8 Crusader, literally no other aircraft ever carried it as far as I’m aware. So unfortunately not something that would be carried by any Phantom variant.


+1 Yes please. Would love the staple Vietnam Navy F-4B at like 10.3. Would be terrific!


But I don’t mind if gaijin considered F-4B as a 3rd event vehicle after A-7K Corsair II or early premium GE between A-6E TRAM and F-4S Phantom II

God please no. That’d be a horrid way to put it into the game, there’s enough premiums available there anyway.
Event I could still take but I’d still prefer it in the tree

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I guess first premium GE maybe F-4E Early (before block 48)

Or F-4B probably new event vehicle after A-7K Corsair II

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So due to mid-July major BR changes for high tier jets, I decided to close the original poll for desired BR and open a new one specifically for this new BR environment. Would had prefered to just edit the original post but it was too old by the time the update came.

To provide some context the F-4EJ (which I talked about a lot in the in-game balancing section of the original post as a point of comparison, specifically how it is almost a direct upgrade to the F-4B as proposed) currently has an air RB battle rating of 11.3 after that July shuffle, which it shares with the regular F-4E. However, at the moment Gaijin is looking at moving it down to 11.0 instead.

[What BR should the F-4B be in?]
  • 10.3
  • 10.7
  • 11.0
  • None of the above (state alternate preferred BR in comments)
  • I don’t want the plane in the game at all
0 voters

Yes I know I should had made this poll much earlier.

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