F-4 Phantom ICE: Improved Combat Efficiency

i need it!
this will make the perfect support jet to the mig 29G

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why not giving F-4F the AIM 9 L and increasing the BR, because the upgrade for peace rhine included mavericks and AIM 9L

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Why would you? The F-4F is a pretty decent 10.7 fighter-bomber, the only one Germany has got at the BR. Plus, it’s got a pretty substantial historical significance. Why would you want it removed in favor of a later model, instead of having both?

it wouldn’t be removed, the Mavericks and 9L were added both together in the Peace Rhine Update program which we have in game as the TT F4F

the really early one is the Event one


what is the blue rod with the yellow tip under the wing in the last pic?

It is a targeting pod. The camera is facing into the pod as the aircraft is not using the pod. The text says ‘‘sensor pod’’. The ‘‘yellow tip’’ is probably a fuel tank behind the pod.

i meant this:
the thin rod thingy mounted to the right (our left) of the SPS ECM pod.
i dont think this is a targeting pod.
its too small for that. and the yellow tip seems more like a cap imo

IR missile simulator I think

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That makes sense

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.