F-20, the best plane that never entered production

Bumping this since she’s coming in with Alpha Strike.

Biggest observation from the trailer: 6x 'Winder loadout with twin mounts.


Let’s go baby! Wonder how well it’s going to do… (pray for 120s in the future haha)

AMRAAM was planned for the twin mounts…

I’ll bet this is a new 11.7 premium for the US tree. No AMRAAMs.

Well aware. Pretty sure it has everything it needs to fire them, I remember hearing that it had all the wiring it needed to as well to fire them. Guess we’ll see what happens to it next update…


Would be too high rank to be a premium, we don’t have any premiums of that rank or BR yet. I’m guessing 11.7 TT vehicle or something else, with 2 sparrows and 2 sidewinders or just 6 sidewinders it should be quite busted anywhere under 11.7.

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Looks like narrow HUD, but I can’t quite make out some of these center panels

Also get this looking up

Pretty sure it’s the number 2/3 one. 2 MFDs above 6 glass-covered gauges.

Yeah, 2nd/3rd production layout. Kind of a shame IMHO, was hoping for the wide HUD for Sim.

I think the problem with that was that Proto 4 is paper-plane-ish territory
Majority of the stuff was only ever mocked up for it, never actually built

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glances at Ho-Ri, F-16AJ, and Yak-141
(I have a feeling a event vehicle one would be a possibility given the things we’ve seen gaijin do in the past lmao… (although probably not, let’s be real, but let me stay on my copium))

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Does anyone know if F-20 could carry more than 45 (90?) countermeasures?

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It uses the same dispenser as the F-5E, thus can only get 45 flares total. Technically, it should get less (30), since that’s the actual historical amount for that dispenser.

The only way to add more CMs is via addition of ALE-37 pod, but good luck getting info on that ever being mounted to an F-5.

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oh wow look at that!!! its a premium…

@Giovanex05 Would you mind doing sustained turn testing for the F-5E and F-20A in-game?
Last I checked, the F-5E seemed to overperform and exceeded the real life performance of the F-20A in-game, and the F-20A is now even better than the F-5E. Both aircraft seem to be grossly overperforming.

Here is the chart for the F-20 compared to some other fighters at the time.


My previous testing showed this, not sure if it is up to date and don’t have time to test right now. This would be looking at the in-game F-5E vs the real world F-20A performance. I tested at 4 points and then drew lines in between the points for the F-5E.

According to T.O. 1F-5E-1 (1984), the F-5E should be sustaining approximately 11.6 deg/s at 0.5 mach and 13 deg/s at 0.8 mach. This is 4 deg/s lower than what can be seen in-game at 0.5 mach, and 1 deg/s lower than at 0.8 mach.

As you can see, at 0.5 mach it is sustaining ~15.3 - 15.6 deg/s.

And again at 0.8 mach it is sustaining approximately 14 deg/s.

Perhaps @Gunjob and @Metrallaroja would like to provide insight? @SlowHandClap @BBCRF

Why are the Russian documents being used in favor of the F-5E manual? Why was the F-20s performance extrapolated erroneously from the Russian F-5E data?

I have no idea

Genuinely no idea. Both should be configured from the source nation documentation. Where in that isn’t available other sources could be used. But that isn’t the case here.


We will need to conduct testing of turn rate, radius, and for multiple altitudes then. Do you happen to have the alleged Soviet source mentioned in the comment of my report? Basic testing compared to the NATOPS showed a grievous overperformance of the F-5E, and testing of the F-5A shows that it too, is overperforming.

My report; Community Bug Reporting System

I’ll look into it but for now I prioritise reporting fps performance after the last major update… game has become almost unplayable for me