F-15E: The Strike Eagle

i know but giving it a much faster radar with more range and much better missiles and systems is enough of a change for a new aircraft

if they won’t make up with it with the engines being the shit ones and not changing the 120Bs to guide better, i agree fully

i feel like USSR should get the MIG-35 or something around that and then CHN gets a J-10B. i think it would definitely help. or at least buff pl-12s since they are 120C equivalent IIRC

How addition of AESA radar makes plane overpowered by any means? What do you get from that? 1 second faster reaction on threat? It’s a handful upgrade, but not a toy that makes your gameplay completely different, just adds slight comfort to it, what are you saying is dumb

But the an/APG 82v1 is really, really new

It can do basically everything, and almost certain has an insane range, you aren’t wrong but it will provide other advantages over current radar in game

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Being new means nothing, it’s just a title to a toy, considering that AESA and PESA won’t have difference in game, and that Su-34 already got its PESA, it makes presence of it on F-15, absolutely nothing special, just an upgrade

Insane range? It is already, but you’re not using it because you can’t, your missile just won’t fly that far, I have no idea why you’re making it such a magical thing, when it’s just a simple upgrade

The J10B very good too, but the mig 35 is too modern. As I said, the J11B and Mig 29M(9-15) would be ideal options

We literally just got the J10 and its top 3 planes in air rb right now, are you really asking for a j11b?

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when are they gonna fix 120s needing the CFTs to be installed?

It seems like that in the default loadout, but you’re actually able to use 8 120s without cfts, not sure why there isn’t a default loadout with that setup

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AESA is much harder to evade, and with how advanced the apg82v1 is (Raytheon says it’s the most powerful radar they’ve ever put in an aircraft. Raytheon) instead of a quick scan, it’ll be instant, the radar display will simply show the target in realtime without the little line that shows the scan rate. It can also jam and do EW work very well

All of the things you mentioned are not presented in game

Because a modern AESA would be so much better than even the pesa on the su34, that’s why it isn’t present in game. I wouldn’t have an issue with an older AESA like the an apg 63v2 coming to the f15c though


The gripen and mirage 2k are 10000% worse than the j10, I’ve used every plane you listed many times, I’d say the J10 is 3rd after the F-15C and F-16C

The gripen climbs too slow and only takes 4 amraams, and the micas are only good at medium to close range, they’re horrendous for bvr. The PL-12s are above average at bvr and close/medium range, also the J10 has arguably better performance than both of those planes

Well, I don’t know, 2000 is the best aircraft for close combat because of the MICA-EM, and the gripen is just a juicy plane with an AIM120. PL-12 missile is not very long-range, but at the same time it is worse in the vicinity than MICA and R-77. It turns out that it is not the best in the vicinity and in the distance it is worse than aim 120. And the radar of the J10a is worse than that of all aircraft above it (except maybe 2000, but he does not need it, given the battle distances)

I’d even put the SU-27SM at number 4 above the mirage and gripen based on the amount of missiles it carries

I have a feeling you haven’t used most of these planes, the radar on the J10 is one of the best in the game, around 90km of range and it has a lock angle of 85 degrees, so you can basically fully notch while still tracking your enemy, the gripen is a very mediocre plane in the current meta, when it gets meteors then that’ll be a different story. But for right now it has a below average speed, climb rate, and missile count, only thing that makes up for that is the amraams