F-14 Tomcat: History, Performance & Discussion

Only in the initial outline, not listed in electronics section or shown in any subsequent drawings or pictures.

Depends on what exactly you mean, The 3D model is that of one of the handful of surviving block 130 airframes (Note; beaver tail mod, Wing strake count, Nose Pitot tube, assorted antenna placement, etc. in comparison to the opening sequences of this video), having been remanufactured in '99 (At least the default skin as per MATS, for AC #158627; VF-1 #101 a block -65 airframe produced in '73) to bring it up to a common standard with the F-14B / Late F-14A. But i don’t exactly blame Gaijin since all surviving examples of the -A model are in the Block 130 configuration.

The Stores are configured to align with the aforementioned '77SAC, and as such only differs from the '75 SAC with the presence of the AIM-9D, which was to be used in training to conserve the supply of advanced components of the -9G / -9H and make use of the existing surplus since they were no longer relevant since they had been superseded.

Basically we don’t actually have an Early F-14 in game, we have what is effectively a midlife -14A (Block -130 remanufacture efforts began in '87 alongside the rollout of the F-14B).

I’d personally take Early to specify an introductory / first cruise configuration (which would only change minor things; like removing the AIM-9D).

It would also leave an opening for the addition of an F-14A-90, that may include trialed features like VTAS II or -III, AIM-95, AGM-53 etc.

Neither is it(the ALR-23) otherwise listed in the '74 SAC and yet can definitively be seen in a number of images and videos that post date it.
F-14A VF-1 (2)


So its like the case of the A-4E early where its an amalgamation of different things to fit Gaijin’s needs?

The A-4E is a specific case where it actually reflects the intended configuration of the airframe as the “Early”, which indicates which of the Navigation computers was installed in the airframe (since early production A-4E used the early computer used in the A-4C & -D, since the production of the newer system was delayed until part way though the first production batch). Though again is missing some stores that it should have (Outer Wing Station Sidewinders, and AIM-9Ds) among others.

Otherwise there are a multitude of issues relating to implemented configurations and anachronistic / incompatible features and and stores of the F-4E (Basically everything), F-15s (Flares / Radar modes / performance, etc.) & F-16s (Sparrow / AMRAAM , Radar performance assorted A2G stores, etc.) as well, so its not really surprising, (And I’m sure there are others).

Though much of it doesn’t have a direct impact on gameplay for the most part, it does have some specific cases which again are mostly slight changes and continued 3D model issues.

Yeah For the A-4E specifically, I remember reading a bug report on it which said since the A-4E got flares then its to this certain spec, which should also include Aim-9Ds for all 4 pylons because there was a adapter for the inner bomb pylon to accept a AAM. Plus its supposed to have the -P8A engine not the -P6A. This would actually make it usable in air rb as a fighter cuz of more thrust.

Its kinda crazy that you actually have to spend real USD to get a decent A-4E with the better engine and whatnot. (Refering to the Israeli Premimum A-4E “late”)



(Phoenix for comparison)




(HAWK for comparison)

I would expect both missiles to be extremely similar if not identical to their American counterparts, simply on account of them being literal clones of each

(Oop, we have a F-14AM thread)

The Fakour is not a clone of the AIM-54, it shares only the wing design and the dimensions are similar so that they may mount to the pre-designed hardpoints of the F-14.

Are the BOL pods bugged?

For some reason one piece of BOL chaff is 1/5 the strength of regular chaff. They should be very similar but gaijin said Nuh uh.


No I mean I only had 60 countermeasures on the F-14B even with them equipped, seems to work now though.

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Delete the loadout you’ve made with BOL and recreate it, that normally fixes loadout bugs.

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Oh yeah that’s a bug just do a what gunjob said

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I want change Air-to-Air weapon presets on F-14B in next major update


  • 2x AIM-9L
  • 6x AIM-54C
  • 6x AIM-54A
  • 6x AIM-7M
  • 4x AIM-9L


  • 2x AIM-9M
  • 6x AIM-54C
  • 6x AIM-54A
  • 6x AIM-7M
  • 6x AIM-7P
  • 4x AIM-9M
  • 4x AIM-9M-8
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A lot of us here do, but Gaijin will never let that happen, especially not with the new IRAF version. Can’t have a tech tree plane be better, because it gets in the way of their money schemes

They only ever carried AIM-9M-1s and AIM-9M-3s. AIM-9M-8s were used by F/A-18E/Fs. The F-14D tested the AIM-9M-8 but it was never adopted because the tomcat was retired.

Sorry, I didn’t mention F-14A from IRIAF

So change AAM stock 2x AIM-9L replace with AIM-9M for F-14B.

But I don’t know now AIM-9M for aviation rank 8 it’s AIM-9M-1 or AIM-9M-3

It not just F/A-18E Blk 1, USN & USMC F/A-18C/D Hornet armed AIM-9M-8 too

F/A-18E/F Blk 1 armed AIM-9M-10

But AV-8B Night Attack & AV-8B+ (USMC) armed AIM-9M-8 ?



Yeah it wasn’t just the super hornet but that was the only one I could remember off the top of my head srry

F/A-18A+/B+ and F/A-18C/D (USN & USMC) armed AIM-9M-8 ?

AIM-9M-10 it’s exclusive for Super Hornet Block I ?