Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Iam pretty sure atleast one will be must have in sims. Just to get to altitude and to speed for spamraaming.

EJ200 burn 4536-4968kg/h on mil power and 15,228–15,876 kg/h on reheat according to wiki. With that we can estimate the fuel load to be ~30-33min according to the in-game fuel load, putting it just short of the F-15E’s 34min max fuel load, and above things like the J-10A with its ventral tank.

Its not an ideal fuel load, but it is entirely workable, particularly if you’re spending time at alt.

I reckon id probably still run tanks in Sim for the peace of mind, but that being said, where something like a Torando F3 will burn through 2 hours of fuel very quickly having to stick on reheat all the time. The Tyhpoon can still maintain excellent speed without the use of reheat

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I like running tanks as well, since I do long runs, but my general point is the EFT is going to be predominantly a CAP fighter, particularly in sim, much like the J-10A. It doesn’t need a ton of endurance AND full load of ground attack ordinance. Wing tanks are fine on it, they likely wont impede with any of its CAP potential, nor does the TGP. Tho now that the F-15E got a loadout fix, its TGP doesn’t impede its AMRAAM capabilities anymore, though it still prevents it from running 240 cm’s.

I value TGP’s a lot in sim, even in air to air roles, where they allow me to ID targets at range without warning them, or identify targets in a dogfight, yet again without warning, so its nice the EFT can do so with no risk to its air to air capabilities imo.

As for reheat, the EFT seems to be in the ballpark of a bit more than 3x fuel consumption when on burner, so its endurance isnt terrible there tbh, some jets are more along the 5x or more.

Im looking forward to having IRST for that.

The IIR sensor is stabilised within its mount so that it can maintain a target within its field of view. Up to 200 targets can be simultaneously tracked by the system using one of several different modes; Multiple Target Track (MTT), Single Target Track (STT), Single Target Track Ident (STTI), Sector Acquisition and Slaved Acquisition. In MTT mode the system will scan a designated volume space looking for potential targets. In STT mode PIRATE will provide high precision tracking of a single designated target. An addition to this mode, STT Ident allows for visual identification of the target, the resolution being superior to that provided by CAPTOR. Both Sector and Slave Acquisition demonstrate the level of sensor fusion present in the Typhoon. When in Sector Acquisition mode PIRATE will scan a volume of space under direction of another Typhoon sensor such as CAPTOR. In Slave Acquisition the use of off-board sensors is made with PIRATE being commanded by data obtained from an AWACS for example. When a target is found in either of these modes PIRATE will automatically designate it and switch to STT.

Yeah, but just being able to supercruise is no small buff when it comes to fuel management.

Im closest to the german EFT, so I dont get to use PIRATE :'(

Supercruise is gonna be a lot of use, its also why I dont think bags will be as important on the EFT unless we get bigger maps.

Ah damn, but does likely mean you’ll have CAS on the Typhoon

God I hope we do. As it stands, I dont think i’ll play a vast amount of the Typhoon F2 with maps so small

The Tornado IDS is fine for CAS now that it has LJDAM’s, not that I play ground much anymore, between how horrid the balancing is, and how trash gaijin treats german ground patch after patch. But thats getting off topic at this point.

Maps are arguably already too small for top tier, and there aren’t many good ones either. Afghanistan is leagues beyond everything else available for fox 3 combat, Vietnam and Spain are somewhat good, but rare to see, Rocky Canyon is decent but has issues with map flow, Sinai is a trash map abused by ppl who cant be bothered to learn BVR combat (it is much better at lower BR’s tho, such as around 11.0-12.0 range imo), and Denmark is a unique map (objective/locale-wise) that is dragged down by MP abuse, trash rewards, out of period objectives, and landmass compression.

Air is long overdue for a map overhaul/rework, particularly when it comes to sim. Last new map was added a bit over 2 years ago…

Was more thinking multiroling in Sim rather than GRB, bombing convoys in a Typhoon sounds kinda fun, at least in a quieter lobby

Yeah it really is.

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Considering how the AN/AXX-1 TCS (F-14B) / ASX-1 TISEO (Kurnass 2000 (Still waiting for the F-4E to get it)) / NAVFLIR / DMT (AV-8BNA &(-B+) / Harrier GR.7) / AAR-45 LANA (A-7E &-7K, even though it’s actually a Navigation pod, and can only be slewed by said A2G radar tracks) have been implemented, don’t expect much in terms of added functionality or interactivity beyond an integrated targeting pod.

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I play other nations than Germany, US/RU/CN are all also top tier. I dont really do convoy strikes with REDFOR seeing as they dont have anything that can efficiently and safely do those kinds of runs that I like using. Typhoon might be able to if it gets LGB’s, but its gonna take a while guiding each one in one at a time, probs not worth the time/effort. Im close to the Su-34 tho, should be able to effeciently kill convoys with that.

I guess the Typhoon will still manage to run 6 LGB’s + 6 AAM’s tho, so a bit more multirole on that end. Any idea what kind of dumb bomb load they can run?

I have doubts theyll even model PIRATE as a TGP, theyll porbs just copy paste over the Su-27 IRST code and call it a day…

IRST is modeled on the Mig-23MLD/Su-27, I dont see why it would be any different for the Typhoon.

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Fingers crossed Gunjob and Flame have sources for it

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The MiG-23MLD & F-8E’s IRST don’t provide video output, the aforementioned systems and PIRATE do, so are arbitrarily treated differently.

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Well… Heres hoping they dont royally screw up the Typhoon


Don’t worry (too much) I’m sure there will be similar issues with the F/A-18’s assorted pods ( availability pending implemented variant(s) & specific configuration / client) as well;

So it likely won’t be entirely alone this patch. and with new airframes there is always the possibility for the implementation to be revised with the upcoming update.

The thing im worried most about is high thrust meaning a very hot target and no improvements to BOL.


Sources dont matter, we bug reported everything about the AN/AXX-1 TCS for the F-14B the moment the dev server opened, from every single function it has, its zoom, its slew angles, what weapons it can and cant be used to fire, even its exact scan pattern, they modelled none of it. Expect the same for PIRATE.


Yeah the F-14 TISEO system is beyond broken and even the Platan system on the Su-34 does Track properly or just loses its ability to follow the radar lock.

But surprisingly the LANTIRN pod on the F-15E will track your radar target without fail, in some experiences if you are guiding a GBU to a target and track a target on your radar the TGP will override your target point and start tracking the radar target and completely mess up your bomb guidance. I’m not sure if the F-15E is meant to be able to have this or not as I can’t see anything about TISEO in the X-Ray information on it.

Simply put unless the devs work hard on improving the already existing and similar systems in-game then I have no faith in a working and useful PIRATE system