Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

introduced in 2009, afaik across all tranches
if you believe then block 2b

i dont think this will actually matter. Pretty much everything at top tier gets helmet if they got it in their service. F15C/16C are nice example, they sat through most of their service without JHMCS and they still get it anyway.

Thats why i mention ASRAAM, ASRAAM ingame will have a similar range to current MICA (due to MICA being inaccurate in range) and will simultaneously be much faster.

I’d personally probably make that tradeoff.

My concern which may or may not be unfounded is that they will do something similar to stinger/igla and say they don’t believe that it truly can be a 50g missile with only 4 small fins and lifting body technology.

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I do feel ASRAAM is too strong now, if modelled accurately.
But Aim9M in a world of HMD is the weakest IR missile at top tier.

It would be nice to have a missile we could use when we are dogfighting (most of my kills in the Gripen at close range are with the gun)

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Gaijin could go the route of adding the ASRAAM P3i as a stop gap to actual ASRAAM. Has an AIM9 X motor instead of the better ASRAAM motor.

Isnt it thrust vectoring?
Btw, its smokeless isn’t it, ive looked up some launch pictures and there is no smoke, maybe a little.

I dont hate the idea of reducing the range in favour of a missile that can pull more G. Like a SRAAM with a little more range a lot more flare resistance

if MICAs are a no go, so are 9X, IRIS-T, Python 5 and ASRAAM, sry bud

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Yeah at least the French have Magic 2s which perform well in a dogfight

i have no issues with 9Ms/L-i’s
especially when you are slow (dogfight), the missile pulls nicely

a nerfed Magic 2

They can work but in slow close range dog fights they do not pull anywhere near as much as an R-73 or Magic 2

We have these wonderful HMD that just doesnt have a use excluding queuing the R Darter shots.
New J-11B and Rafale will likely edge the Typhoon in VWR due to superior missiles and similar flight models.
We als stuck with potentially 2-4 missiles that just are not any real use at the close of the game.

Thats by far wrong.
Aim 9m is one of the strongest IR missles.

And if anything the aim 9l(i) would get the crown as worst ir missles in your Definition, because on top of everything it has smoke


They still come off the rail and pull well! We know Magic 2 should pull more G

Ok the 9(li) is in the same bracket as the M
Not anymore at top tier these missiles arent cutting it.
F-15 full burner on the deck outran it at 3km
Su-27 stalling out dropped 4 flares and decoyed it.

R-73 at close range is really hard to defeat as is Magic 2.

The issue with the Aim9M…is why would you use it over the 120?
It doesnt have a real purpose and doesnt add anything to capability of the top tier loadouts.

Sure go down a BR bracket and the F-16/Gripen etc will use the Aim9M more because the SARH missile efficacy is not of the level of the ARHMs

Its worse it has smoke.

Besides that they have their own advantages. Their longer range can help quite a lot specialy on the aim9m which is invisible

In my opinion the biggest issue is the range (should be around 15km).
As a sim player it is quit annoying cause it don’t have the advantage of the other top tier missiles

In sim, 9M is by far best ir missile together with ET. ET is hard to spot due to its side aspect range and well, you wont be spotting 9M whatsoever unless you are focused on plane launching it.

Most Jets are too fast to leverage it, why wouldnt I just use an ARHM in the same scenario?
and the IRCCM seems to be far easier to flare than it was a few updates ago.

The time I want an IR missile is close range, but thats just me. I am not saying the 9M is a bad missile Im saying the meta has clearly shifted to missiles that can pull more G and are great for merges which the 9M/L and Li arent.

I’m sorry but the 9M is the best merge missile in the game, and by far. 90% of the times I shoot it in this situation I got the kill.