Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

EM = ElectroMagnetic = Radar
IR = Infrared


Yeah. Back when Gr7 was 11.0. I use to hunt hte convoys with 4x AGM-65 and 2x Paveways (though thanks to Flame, that can now go up to 6x AGM-65s) but now its 11.7. Thats a lot harder to do

But i just dont bother in the Gr1. Just not worth the effort, even with PGMs

MICA EM is Fox 3 (EM standing for Electromagnétique)
MICA IR is Fox 2

And it’s basically “R27 2 Electric boogaloo” all other again, same missile, different seekers.

To get back on topic, i assume ASRAAM can be fired via datalink ? Would be sweet with the good range it has. Because i’m fairly certain Gaijin will butcher the seeker so hard they’ll go “here’s your 5th gen IR missile with a 5km range front aspect”. Having a datalink would be a nice reverse uno card to that

iirc, the convoys have 9-10 vehicles, and its a tad bit of a hassle to go back for PGM’s for a second run, so ive been trying to use 6x65D’s and 12x500lbs, but the 500lbs have had… mixed results…

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Yep. and PIRATE IRST can provide that data-link I beleive

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Yeah, usually always at least 2 runs and finding the loan guy at the end with only a Gen 1 Tpod can sometimes be a pain in the butt

Theyre gonna just C&P the stinger seeker and call it a day lol. No way they make it an actual IIR seeker with a good track rate, no way they give over the shoulder capability to them either when the russians just barely clawed their way into those kinds of capabilities in the last couple years (if the R-74M2 is even in production lol)


Im waiting for ASRAAM to be defeated with a single flare vs an AB target.

tbf, it shares the seeker with the AIM-9X, and that thing got defeated by an ol’ rustbucket Su-22 and crappy soviet flares…

Early ones did share the same seeker not anymore

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What is the explosive mass of the Brimstone? Won’t it be terribly weak compared to other current ordnance such as Hellfire?

Yeah, wasn’t the change cuz of the US being their usual dickish selves and putting export restrictions on the missile (to limit competition)?

That and the seeker got upgraded over time

They are both HEAT warhead (most hellfires are HEAT) their damage to a tank should be very similar

It appears to have 50% less warhead mass but I am not sure if that is the actual explosive mass for brimstone (6kg vs 9kg on hellfire 2)… it could be the warhead weight of ~6kg and not solely the explosive mass. This is why I was inquiring.

Maybe I’m wrong, but Gaijin may consider that 50% less mass = 50% less performance if the explosive types are similar.

Seems to me it is just an inferior hellfire alternative for planes.

Atleast it will be a nice missile to counter helis. The Brimstone is said to be W band by MBDA, and helicopters’ RWRs don’t have coverage in that range. So it won’t be detected by RWR, but MAWS should pick it up, although nothing you can do to counter it maybe besides hiding behind a building

Less explosive mass clearly means its inferior :/


Just ignore the F&F capability, all weather capability, Triple Racks on a fixed wing aircraft and Equal (At worst) penetration to a later model AGM-114


Range as well

Yeah just ignore everything because itz got lezz dakka