Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Im gonna have to give a big ol’ “X to doubt” on the claim 14 meteors would be “too heavy”… The hardpoint capacity of the Eurofighter is 9000kg, and each Meteor is 190kg (14 x 190kg = 2660kg) toss on the 2 fox 2’s (~88kg x2 = 156kg) and the rails would need to weight a combined total of 6184kg, which would be insane.

Idk where the idea Meteor is a “heavy” missile came from. It has a similar form factor and weight to AMRAAM.


yeah, i am not to much into specifics, i just remember from earlier talks that it would be to heavy for actual practical use

In what way? Both are over the shoulder capable, they differ in the control schemes and seekers, but I doubt we have enough info to really work with. Until recently I wouldve assumed IRIS-T was more maneuvrable and ASRAAM longer legged, but I think there was a recent document posted regarding trials which pointed to IRIS-T actually having longer effective range as well? (which sounds counter-intuitive, I’ll dig around to see if I can find it again).

Seeing as we dont really have much/any public technical info on these missiles, its a complete coin toss to how theyre modelled. IRIS-T will be inherently nerfed from the start as well due to using an “H-infinity controller” (afaik ASRAAM doesnt?) which isn’t modelled and is likely too complex for the game, and from what I understand, early ASRAAM didn’t use TVC either, which is notoriously finnicky in WT, so the brits immediately have the advantage in-game.

That along the fact gaijin has a nasty habit of completely and utterly screwing german air (with the MiG-29G being the single notable exception), doesn’t really give me the vibe that mixed IRIS-T/ASRAAM loadouts would be in any way beneficial, as the IRIS-T is likely to be strictly worse as an option in-game.

IRIS-T will be the best missile in the game sub about 10km.

ASRAAM will be one of the fastest off the rails and one of the best long range IR Missiles in the game (only matched by the MICA EM)

The ability to sling off some ASRAAM at long range and then swap to IRIS-T at close range might be a tad OP. Especially when something like Aim-9X wouldnt be able to compete in either enviroment

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Nah, thats cap, and whoever said that is insane. I’ve seen/heard some notable eurofighter haters (american/russian mains) claim the meteor is “bad at close range” or “much heavier” than stuff like AMRAAM or R-77, but at the end of the day, that seems to be more along the lines of willful ignorance or outright lies on behalf of people who have a vested interest in saying the meteor is somehow a bad missile.

The americans cuz it makes their AMRAAM kinda look like a joke (hence why they keep hindering implementation of the Meteor in the F-35 and forcing European nations to buy their inferior missile) and the russians because “muh russian supremacy” (ie: “we have nothing to compete except the R-37M”)

I think what you are refering in both cases are ground launched variants. Ground based IRIS-T has a bigger motor and ground based ASRAAM has a VL turnover pack.

Like I said, IRIS-T is likely to get dunked on by the inferior PID controller in-game and bad TVC. ASRAAM I wouldve expected better range, but this may not be true. Both are maneuvrable enough for any advantage the IRIS-T may have not to matter in that regard either imo.

This also doesnt touch on other missiles such as the P5 and its ability to miss targets and reengage, or whatever witchcraft lies the chinese players come up with about their mystical missiles and opaque sources.

Regarding 5th gen IIR missiles, I think implementation and capabilities is completely up in the air. Particularly when it comes to seekers, since afaik the Russians didnt get into IIR until VERY recently with the R-74M2, and we know gaijin is absolutely murdering the performance of some more advanced seekers, such as Stingers POST seeker(which is a quasi-imaging seeker) and beyond.

We have a photo of that one on a British Eurofighter (DA2):

Eurofighter isn’t unique in carrying 18 Brimstones:



OH neat, didnt see these! Good find!

Im not too sure about it balance-wise tbf… on one hand, 18 Brimstones would be devastating for balance, on the other, they might hit like wet farts due to their “small” warheads and them being HEAT, so maybe you’ll need 18 to kill 1 T-90M or Pantsir…

Itd be lovely for convoy clearing in sim tho!

I can’t see any way IRIS-T has a range equal to or greater than ASRAAM, the whole reason the project split was because UK wanted range while Germany wanted greater manoeuvrability off the rail. The rocket motor on ASRAAM is is significantly larger than IRIS-T.

The ground launched versions make it pretty clear. IRIS-T SLS (basically a ground launched IRIS-T) has an advertised maximum range of 12 km, while CAMM (ground launched ASRAAM with an ARH seeker and soft launch pack) has an advertised maximum range of >25 km.


Yeah its a bit of a headscratcher to me too, im still trying to find the thing where I saw it. I could be completely misremembering too, but that would only support the idea that the platforms with IRIS-T are likely to just be outright inferior in-game to those with ASRAAM.

I can seem them limiting it to 4 hard points. So only 12 and then im expecting them to have C&P performance of AGM-65s with IR seeker.

So you’ll probably have to enter the range of a Pantsir to fire them off.

But yeah… This is why I really want the Tornado Gr4 with Brimstone.


Hopefully we’ll have ALARM at the same time and can really really destroy those convoys

Thatd be a little odd considering they are MMW seekers and not IIR…

Probably lol.

I dont think ALARM is necessary for convoy clearing, but it would be cool lol. Id much rather they give us GBAD batteries and ground based radar to shoot at instead of borderline PNG “bombing targets”. Give us targets with an actual tactical impact and requiring a bit more than dropping dumb bombs on a painted circle on the map yanno…

Hey… Martels got TV guidance. Wierder things have happened

Yeah. that would be good too. But just being able to deal with Gepards around Convoys or Battlefields with ease wouldnt go a miss

I think it’s fairly uncontroversial to say that ASRAAM is faster and has longer range, while IRIS-T can turn better (at least at short range). But yeah beyond that the advantages / disadvantages are more controversial. For example the BGT marketing guy once claimed that IRIS-T’s scanning 128x2 (instead of 128x128) seeker made it more resistant to DIRCM; there may be some true to that, but IIR seekers are inherently resistant to DIRCM anyway so how much of an advantage is it really?

There’s essentially three separate areas that can be debated, and people tend to jump between them a lot when discussing the topic:

  • Raw performance - Just how much faster is ASRAAM? Just how much tighter turning is IRIS-T? etc.
  • Utility - Does is matter that IRIS-T is better in a dogfight if you can fire ASRAAM before getting to within dogfight range? etc.
  • Implementation - How badly will Gaijin butcher each missile?

I’m inclined to agree with you there.

That’s pretty much what it was designed to do IRL.


I think it’s more likely that they’d give us Dual Mode Brimstone, and not let us use the MMW mode. Which takes away Brimstone’s unique selling point.

Oh yeah. im defo expecting Dual Mode. but its gunna be like 20km range under ideal conditions, but you’ll probably end up more like 10-15km away before you can actually lock on and fire. They may even hard require a T-pod to be equipped. Just hope we get better than the Gen 1 TIALD we have now

MICA IR you mean ?

sry couldn’t resist X)

I couldnt remember which one it was. Thought EM = IR and the ARH was different name or something. Its french, they are wierd :P

I sling 65D’s at them. Works really well (barring the fact im trying to ID targets at like 480p in VR with excessive jittering before i get into instadeath range of those SPAA’s cuz gaijin doesnt like VR or the LITENING TGP)

I have more problems trying to clean up the convoys afterwards tho. Dumb bombs vs hard targets on low poly roads can really suck…