Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

There or there abouts. Which is why you need to spam off some Brimstones towards it first :P

Yeah exactly that haha.

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It is only 5? °/sec more scan rate right?

Looks like more in that clip or am I just imagining it.

(or has it not even been applied yet?)

It’s been applied, the scan time was reduced from 4.3 to 4 seconds in 70° scan and from 3.7 to 3.4 seconds in 30° scan. This change is live on the UK and IT Eurofighters as well.
I think they didn’t bother with 140° scan time.

Hmm. It’s funny. Radar LIES without any embarrassment.
The missile flies to the target. Where its vector is - there is the target. And the radar displays this same target in a COMPLETELY different place. Hmm.
It’s really funny and annoying.
P.S. Yes, the distance here is small. About 5-6 km to the target. But this does not change the fact that the radar is still very slow and very dumb


CAPTOR-M is a marketing lie

with all the new changes, how does the new captor m compare to the foxhunter?

Hey. I wanted to make this joke.



sad german noises

Since German Typhoon lacks IRST this tactic is useless for German EFT.

Sad German EFT noises…

It’s not hugely reliable…IRST has no IFF so in ground battles you have to get close enough to ID what you have locked or hunt it down using the RWR.

By which case the targets superior Radar has found you.
It’s a good alternative to have when you might only have IR missiles though.

Change my mind, even tho PIRATE is usefull, but it also just looks ugly xD
German EF looks (Cleaner)


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at least we are lighter without IRST it mean we turn better lol

Well I got both German and British EFT and I found IRST quite useful in air rb, as for the ground I just use my RWR to found enemy planes instead of my radar until gaijin fix the radar performance.

Needless to say having IRST is much better than not having.

AMK kit when ))))

It looks much better with IRST :)

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Air RB is good as you have markers. With ASRAAM it would be so good!

Yeah a whole 50 kg lighter, which i think isn’t even modeled.

I do wonder when the Eurofighter gets more armament and maybe experimental stuff like AMK if they’ll only go to nation country, like if only Germany gets IRIS-T/AMK and only UK ASRAAM.
I’d hope we all get everything but that’s not realistic.

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ASRAAM+Meteor combo would be nice, but IRIS-T+Meteor combo will also be really nice :)

I hope they don’t make long range IIR missiles like MICA IR and ASRAAM too cancer, hopefully at ranges like 10km you can flare them.