To be fair its not the most suprising thing. Gaijin has added vehicles in states that fit their own standard rather than their historical value. My only question is how long can they drip feed the same vehicle with the only difference being missiles.
I see Su-35, T3 typhoon, f4 Rafale and F-22 this Xmas
Really long if they wanted, by leveraging other improvements like incremental changes in RWR (remember ALR-67V2 vs ALR-67V3) and other systems to squeeze out a ton of variants
Britain has a T3 Typhoon in game.
F-22 is too early unless you want it to carry Aim7M
Su-35 and F-15EX would be my bets
AIM-9M and AIM-120A (apparently can carry 4 internal)
Which means Britain/Germany and Italy are stuck with a handicapped airframe with a Radar that performs worse than an 80s US Radar.
All the while carrying fewer missiles and having the worst ground attack muntions.
I mean for balance
Idk remember as stated by Smins own words subsequent differences so one missiles is good enough. Maybe a EFT with only ASRAAM and then maybe with only fox 3 who knows the possibilities are endless /s
ASRAAM like MICA IR are a balance nightmare
IRIS-T and 9X are shorter range and easier to balance
I see 9X, IRIS-T and R-74 being added
I also see ASRAAM and MICA IR being somewhat negated by MAWS systems. Added too late to be useable
Would be interesting to see gaijin take a break from true top tier and start adding prototype missiles stuff like RB 72 (which wouldve been the oldest IRCCM missile had it entered production and not had the US intervene and push for restrictions.) Or we could see gaijin go the Su-25BM route and see 9X and such on small trainer esq aircraft to see how they perform before deciding or potentially try an event? April is just around the corner so i mean it wouldn’t suprise me if they tried another Warthunder 2077 approach with Ace combat esq aircraft.
ahaha, nah I’m kidding, that’s pretty bad. I’ve raised a report internally.
Hey @Gunjob sorry for the ping, since the Su-30 and, I think, the J11B got their Hud tints modelled correctly, is there any chance we can expect the same for the Eurofighters?
I’ll ask.
Can I get the Dublicate Label?
(Referring to Internal Report :) )
Community Bug Reporting System
120A and 9M vs 120C-5 and 9M is pretty balanced to me
I doubt it to be honest. We are full send to Gen 5.
I see Gen 5 before IIR added to game or larger maps
How good is an F-22s RAM at fooling arhm seekers
Top tier earns them money and gaijin is gonna try to get late model.hornets as premiums lets be real cause we know they are gonna sell.
Speaking of HUD tints, I’d assume the HMD’s (on most/all aircrafts) would have a sun visor and would likely also be polarized, neither of which seems to be implemented in-game.
You mean 6? Cause iirc it can carry 6 Aim-120+ 2 Aim-9.