Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

VNe ingame is 5% higher than irl. 1.05x 2.35 is 2.47. This is how literally every aircraft top speeds work in-game, the EFT is underperforming, not even hitting its IRL stated VNe, never mind what it should be hitting in-game.


Brimstone.exe stopped working on dev beyond 10km

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EFT isn’t only plane with this issue then

It just seems like Rafale was one of the first to have it fixed (though iirc it really shouldn’t be going past mach 2)

Typhoon shouldnt exceed mach 2.0?
The stated figures from RAF and Luftwaffe are their maximum operating speeds.
RAF states mach 1.8.
The airframe in testing was capable of easilly exceeding that.

The Rafale buff wasnt a VNe increase (unless you’re referring to a buff idk about), it was a massive acceleration increase. It is now the single best high speed acceleration plane in-game, and will most likely rip its wings in high alt level flight.


He was talking about the rafale obviously.


He did indeed! I have had that 1.8 figure used regularly!

Still they want MICA buffed. If that happens we all may aswell pack up and go home

I mean, you do realize that the french wont have a better missile till meteor, and they won’t get meteor (same with typhoon) when people will fire around aim-120C and whatever the Russian and Chinese counterparts are.

The meteor is literally the end game together with r37 and pl15.
When they nerf/remove multipath even more(i think they will in the future) the mica will suddenly be a lot less dangerous

Paveway IV:

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Still no clue why people are so negative about the eurofighter + with the amount of people i see trying to seriously claim the rafale it seems to be quite something.

No way for gameplay reasons can you give MICA 120 range while allowing the Rafale to mount and guide 8 with the best Radar and now the best FM.

Oh ok

That will not happen, at least until aim120C

Because the Typhoons only advantage was to be high and fast and turn well.

That is the Typhoons gameplay.
Now it has been nerfed it’s not as fast and it turns worse.

Likely still has a very buggy Radar and only carries 5 120s.

Gaijin are burying the Typhoon

The Rafale is leaping ahead with constant buffs and the Su-30 will likely be superior. US mains will receive an F-15 with an AESA Radar while Typhoon guys have to struggle with the Craptor.


The su30 will never be superior to anything, even the su35 will be bad compared to the eurofighter/rafale those two will always be the best planes for a long time.

Yeah it will still need time for everything to be fixed, but otherwise eurofighter was late to get any esa radar so your radar will be behind until tranche 4.

There isn’t also anyone favored in terms of bug report and it has a great future instead of 9m it will eventually get iris-t/asraam alongside aim120 so it will be quite versatile.


Have you checked seekers range?

Yes, and even if the Issue would be the seeker the bomb would still fly in that direction and not pull on a total diffrent direction

Yes one day. The flight model is now as accurate as Gaijin want it to be. None of Typhoons upgrades improve the performance (amazing Eurofighter) thought it was good enough!

Su-35 will have similar levels of flight performance to the Typhoon with a superior AESA Radar. Typhoons edge is in sensor fusion passive detection systems and BVRAAMs…

Without ASRAAM and Meteor Su-35 in game will wipe the floor with Typhoon.

I still dont think we are close to IIR missiles or BVRAAMs i see 120C and R-77M as the next step and the buff to MICAs.

I see Su-35 and F-15 this Xmas.

I do not see a Tranche 4 Typhoon any time soon.
I do not see the change to allow Typhoon to carry more than 6 120s and I see the Aim9M as being completely inadequate.

Yup that one is not anytime soon, and i still have no clue from the news when it is supposed to be out with how slow they are doing the updates.

With how fast they are, the year after it, rafale f5 will be a thing.