Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

why not the 2k?

God knows. Typhoon GBU loadout feels like it was decided by lucky draw

make a bug report. this should help

The issue I think comes in proving that either

A) Britain, Germany, Italy or another Typhoon equipped nation had the 2k versions of the LJDAM


B) they were used on the Typhoon.

The bug report for 2k bombs is already in regard to Kuwait Typhoons and whilst in some regards the Typhoons have loadouts based upon each nations arsenal (for example Britain doesnt get access to the GBU-48s with LSR+IOG+GNSS, instead we have Mk18s which are LSR only). Others are provided to all 3 (like the PW4s)

Also, not the 1k version, its 500lb version. My bad

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So I gather that Gaijin is reducing the acceleration/speed of the Eurofighter? (arguably the things it’s best known for)Is this in accordance with any real life data at all or is this just one of the many whims of Gaijin?

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Typhoon has good acceleration. Speed is subpar if you want to go by stuff famous for their speed

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~2500km/h is sub-par?


Compared to what the space shuttle

MiG-25, MiG-31, F-15C, YF-12

All combat aircraft known for their speed

Ohh well yes those planes are stupid fast but are lacking everywhere else

The MIG-25 ability to turn is hilarious as it doesn’t turn


Wasn’t arguing for that. I was arguing that typhoon is not known for its speed since it’s totally outclassed in that department by multiple combat aircraft


Mig-25 was built in a rush as a counter for the Valkyrie and was basically a radar mounted to engines. It did little else.

Mig-31 was an attempt to turn the Mig-25 into an actual fighter (which iirc, wasnt all that great)

YF-12 is a proposed/prototype version of the SR-71 to turn it into a interceptor. An aircraft again, basically built to be fast in a straight line

F-15C is the slowest of the 4 and only barely faster than the Typhoon (1500mph vs 1650mph). So…

Not really true, Typhoon should be considered not that far off the F-15C and certainly not “totally outclassed”. But what it is known for is its QRA/intercept ability. Pretty much nothing can go from brakes off to 30k ft and supersonic faster. and unlike 3/4 of your “faster fighters” can do more than just go in a straight line once it gets there

Yeah MiG-25 only really went fast. But again, that’s all I’m comparing to.

MiG-31 was a pretty major improvement. Give it some credit, it’s an excellent platform for long range, high speed missiles.

As for YF-12, the A-12 series may not be the bricks people think they are. I’ve heard they handled pretty well. It’s the fastest of the bunch too, did 2,070mph, and actually got really far before getting canceled because Vietnam.

Typhoon does mach 2.25, F-15C can do 2.4/2.45, and 2.5 in good conditions. .15-.25 mach is a solid speed difference.

And the faster fighters don’t have to do anything but go faster since that’s what I’m comparing.

I frankly don’t know why you’re making such comparisons. All I said is that the Eurofighter is best known for it’s acceleration and speed - both are always explicitly mentioned in any article, report or other piece of media that features the plane. And well, 2500km/h/Mach 2.35 (according to the Bundeswehr) is fast.


Acceleration, this is true.

But speed is only for marketing or sounding fast to ppl who don’t know about jets.

Except that a high top speed (and getting there quickly) was one of the key design requirements of the plane. I would agree that the topspeed stat would ordinarily be just a marketing number that sounds good - but that is not the case with the EF. Which is why I’m worried about Gaijin seemingly nerfing the speed of the Typhoon, when it’s already one the things it quite severly underperforms in ingame


So it should hit 2.35 at high altitude? Are you sure it cannot do this ingame?

I can get it to about Mach 2.26 at an altitude of about 11,000m. And only after very slowly crawling there

So should have slightly better acceleration, and 85 kmh faster?

Btw, weather does have an effect on mach number. So 2.35 is probably under perfect conditions

Nevermind, I checked an online mach number calculator (NASA one) and 11,000m allows for mach 2.35 at 2500kmh