Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion


so are the devs finally not hiding the truth that they fucking hate the UK?


They never hid it lol

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whats next? make the “longest range modern IR missile” shorter range than the 9X because why not?


Yes they will

I know I talk about the Harrier way too much but like 5 years and they still refuse to fix it.

Even after getting the E-M diagram they refused to buff it to the E-M diagram

They refuse to give it the ability to VIFF

The same will happen to eft

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I am actually a little shocked at how poorly Gaijin are treating the Typhoon.
I mean if they used their head and made it how it should be Germans/British and Italian players would be happy with it. Instead we have a half finished mess that is receiving more nerfs than buffs!

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like tbh, I didn’t mind that they nerfed the turn rate since it was overperforming a little, but they could’ve at least made the engines better to counter it

I just wish they put some effort into giving us a full strength radar, or our correct A2G payload.

It’s turn performance is under the requirement of the irl plane so no


personally idgaf about brimstones rn, because I can kind of understand where they are coming from, but gaijin can really go and take the Captor M that they’ve turned into a glorified Blue vixen, and shove it up their arse

really? damn

Yes in game it’s at like 18.3 degrees a second compared to the requirement listed as 20 at the bare minimum


The issue is 2 fold.

  1. The Typhoon by all accounts, never used Brimstone 1s, which it has in game. If they can only mitigate quantity advantage via SAL only for now, then we could at least have Brimstone 2s

  2. There must be a better option than SAL only for quantity mitigation which makes them practically worthless if you mostly play Air modes like ASB. They have fraction of the value that PW4s have currently in ASB.

But its also things like the missing GBU options as well. It smells like lazyness to me.



I’m guessing that what ever proof we give them, they will just pass off as “propaganda” while they also take whatever tea soaked peice of paper they can if its russian


Frankly speaking, it is infinitely ridiculous that a top aircraft can attack several targets at once only if they are stationary, and if they are moving, then only one at a time, and only from short distances. The best aircraft for a salvo at moving targets is the Gripen. But with 4 Mavericks, it flies out with two “short” air-to-air missiles and very few countermeasures, while the 16-50 can take, with 6 Mavericks, 4 “long” or “short” air-to-air missiles at will.
In the ASB, the Typhoon is effectively locked into the air defense role, although theoretically it can attack small moving targets, but the gaijins did not want to give it fnf missiles and a radar mode for work on the ground.
Oh, Mr. Flanker. Here are your fnf missiles and a radar for work on the ground. Don’t deny yourself anything. And ESA radar, of course.


well its not russian, so its not allowed


So tired of the cope
The Americans and Russian get whatever they want

did they ever give a reason for not giving the typhoon GMTI, or was it just a case of “fuck you, the plane is in the UK tech tree”

Tell that to the bug report for BOL for the US hornets using US tests and RAAF F-18 and Finnish BOL documents to add support for US hornets to get BOL. So far nothings come of it but we’ll see lol.

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Thought Smin stated the mode wasn’t present in any radars in game early? Maybe im misremembering