Are you sure? Because when i shoot at a helicopter even with a white circle the missile hits in stt, and don’t when only using tws. But those might have just been fringe cases on my part.
Yep other difference is the frequency of updates. After pit bull there is no difference.
Will we ever see them fix the ITR or STR or have they fixed it already and my old ass is just being slow
Technically the patch notes you posted do have an impact in ITR and STR so they at least might have changed them a bit.
they changed how the IRST is displayed so you can actually see if the IRST is picking something up
the bars on the side give you an indicator on how close the search zone is to the gimbal limit
And slightly more
Lock zone is still tiny tho
Works only with BVR lock, WVR and HMD are 19km locked.
It started to annoy me
[DEV] Eurofighter Agility mode turning issue
i am suprized that this hasnt been fixed yet
Also, theres the report from Gunjob about the Missing UV filter (Internal)
i know, and they still didn’t do anything about that I am happy with what they did with the MAW and the other parts of the plane but the typhoon is still mussung critical things like that one or the gun lead on the HUD in Sim
Honestly it’s not that surprising. Given how many bugs are still present years after they were first reported it doesn’t surprise me anymore when something doesn’t get fixed
They saw it they finally saw it i am so f happy XD
They fixed the Su-30 one really fast…Typhoon has been left without it for a few months now :(
I know that is classic of them
The question is are they going to bring the new HUD glass texture on the release of this update
My report on it was linked to the internal report too
(hope we see this upon update release)
Current Reports
(Just Accepted/Suggestion ones)
Its an Looong way…
- Eurofighter - Engines should be smokeless
- DEV - Typhoon Instant Turn Rate Not High Enough
- [DEV] Praetorian DASS Should Not See Flares
- [DEV] Praetorian DASS MAWS Should Detect Burnt Out Missiles
- Eurofighter No Trackfile Retention
- Eurofighter Typhoon Countermeasure Issues 2
- Eurofighter HUD Missing EEGS
- Eurofighter Typhoon - 27mm Mauser smoke in front of cockpit
- Typhoon FGR.4 - Missing Enhanced Paveway II bomb
- 1,000 lb Mk.18 Paveway using model of 500 lb GBU-12
- Eurofighter - CAPTOR-M should track 20 targets
- Disabling the SPD in EF-2000
- Problem with target marker on hud of eurofighter in VR
- Eurofighter missing radar elevation profile MFD
- Eurofighter Typhoon missing Golden nose cone
- German Eurofighter EF-2000 skin inaccuracies
- German Eurofighter missing DM103 FAP belt
- Eurofighter cannot identify Pantsir track radar
- Eurofighter HUD color Inaccuracy (Linked to Internal Report)
- Eurofighter - Radar MFD missing scan width symbology
- Eurofighter - Top Speed To Low
- Eurofighters are missing Paveway II/III laser guided bombs.
- Eurofighters are missing GBU16 LGB
- Eurofighters are missing GBU-10
- Eurofighter - RCS to high (missing RCS reduction features)
- Eurofighter Typhoon missing GBU-31 JDAM
- [DEV] Eurofighter Ammo Belt optimisation
- Eurofighter - Missing Data Adaptive Scanning (priority track)
- Eurofighter Typhoon missing HOSBO
- Eurofighter are Missing UV-Filter (Internal Report)
- Eurofighter - Missing missiles do not show on radar screen
- Eurofighter - HUD missing FLIR overlay
- Eurofighter - Missing PIRATE output MFD screen
- Eurofighter - PIRATE missing passive ranging capability
- Blue Vixen & CAPTOR-M - Should have unlimited roll stabilisation
- Eurofighter - MAWS should detect type of missile
- Eurofighter - PIRATE missing track while scan mode
- Eurofighter - Radar missing Non-Cooperative Target Recognition
- Eurofighter - HMD missing SIRPH mode (pilot thermal vision)
- Typhoon FGR.4 Voice Warning System (+Subsonic VWS(Internally)
- Paveway IV/LJDAM- No time to impact countdown
- Typhoon FGR.4 - Missing 1,000 lb retarded bomb (No.117)
- Eurofighter - Lethality zones should be displayed on RWR / map
- Eurofighter - IRST lacks option to search entire field of regard
- Eurofighter - MAWS should display missiles on the HMD
- Eurofighter - HMD should display all friendly units (like A-10C)
@Gunjob I wonder, Did the RAF allready respond back to you about the VWS stuff?
added some accepted reports
I’m currently sat on 4 over due FOI’s haha, I’ve chased them but coming up on chasing the chase… Busy world out there right now so I understand the delays.
and the list is growing, fresh ones: