Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Hey guys I haven’t really been following the thread these days, could someone explain what TWS+ consists of, and if it is already implemented in the current DEV server?

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So I did a bit of research. There are different types of PESA antennas: Planar, Linear and even Frequency dependent beam steering.

Planar: Possible beam steering in two planes (azimuth and elevation) at the cost of a much more complex build and needed hardware (phase shifting units) combined with a bigger size of the whole setup.

Linear: Easy and comparably cheap to build but can only steer the beam in one plane (azimuth or elevation).

Frequency: Steering of the beam by shifting the frequency at the cost of only being able to use fixed frequencies and being extremly subsceptible to jamming.

So the only sensible approach for the MAW antennas being PESA would be the use of a planar antenna which in turn would mean much bigger, heavier, more complex and probably more expensive radar modules than directly using AESA modules which were available at that time.

TWS on the dev server feels back to what its like on the live server, but TWS medium still can barely keep track of the Mig-15s

With FGR4? If so its missing the scan rate buff, only uk_ferranti_blue_vixen, sw_ps_05a and uk_captor_m have the buff, the buff to uk_captor_m_pirate is missing it on the current build.

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uk_ferranti_blue_vixen can’t track mig 15 either in test flight first it locks on ghost then onto nothing then tracks after 25 seconds then it struggles with tracking same progress over and over again

Okay, just to establish something first, we all know the MIG-15’s in test flight fly in a circular pattern right, which means 2 sides of that circle the MIG is notching the radar.

Working well for me;

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Still wish gaijin would apply some sense and logic to the captor radar though even with how it looks on dev it’s still far less reliable than the F3 radar on the tornado.