Oh good so I wasn’t losing it when I tried 1v1s. I was so confused when it went off.
More critically it’s not even actually modelled as a radar. It functions the exact same as IR MAWS, just using the radar signature values instead of the IR signature values. It’s not a real “sensor” lol
Triggered by flares or triggered by chaff this time around? Would be funny if we went from a faulty IR-MAWS, which got triggered by flares, to a faulty PD-RF-MAWS which gets triggered by chaff. Wouldn’t be too far off as a theory as we have enough PD-Radars in-game which love to lock onto chaff which they actually should ignore. Or is the PD-RF-MAWS seeing ghost targets too?
@Gunjob are you aware/can say if the UV-Filter is coming with he major Update for the EF or if currently the DASS/Captor-M are more on the focus?
Flares. Had warnings from the MAW during a dogfight which were definitely erroneous and confirmed afterwards that there was no chaff launched whatsoever.
where can we find proof of that so we can report it ?
that’s the thing, the proof is not available publicly from what i could find, look around for public mentions of emergency pitch control.
Report with no Pantsir Launch Warning: Eurofighter cannot identify Pantsir track radar // Gaijin.net // Issues
Rafale report got acceped instantly, EF should be the same right? 🗿
Ask a tech mod, it’s probably why it got accepted this fast.
nvm your report got accepted.
Just a heads up, the new MAW/RWR fusion is currently only on test on the German EFT (ef_2000_block_10) so if you notice any inconsistencies on FGR4 or F-2000A it is expected.
For an First test it seems pretty good allready, just needs some fine tuning here and there :)
ooooh that explains a lot thanks
Again, shouldn’t happen, being a PD radar against more or less static Chaff
Well, I don’t think I can report the opening angle of the MAW radar antennas without having a primary source on that even if the “logical thought process” would say that a symmetric AESA antenna should have the same scan area in azimuth and elevation…
(Not from a bug report I made, but it describes the way gaijin handles things where they don’t have exact data on: Throw all logical deductions away and go by pessimistic gutfeeling… Or don’t implement the functionality at all)
Yes… That’s what I wrote?
Funnily enough the datamine suggests they’ve actually modelled it as two radars, each with a 180 degree azimuth coverage which shouldn’t even be possible.
What, really? Not three with 120° which positions are clearly known (wing roots + under tail)?
The problem is there’s not even anything to confirm whether it is definitely AESA or not.
(keep in mind, its currently just an test)
It doesn’t really make any difference to how it works in game. Most RWRs are modelled as just two antennas.
I wouldn’t know how to implement a non-AESA radar with a static antenna which is able to scan ±60° in azimuth and ±45° in elevation. Can a PESA steer its beam in azimuth and elevation at the same time without moving the antenna? A mechanical can not AFAIK.
Yes, it’s just a logical deduction that the antennas are AESA, but if it’s impossible to implement otherwise, it has to be so.