But we already have SALH+GPS configurations, in the GBU-54 / -55 / -56 (L-JDAM)? Which obviously permits post release retargeting.
I know what you said but self homing doesn’t make sense. Cause you are not in control after drop. So “them” using that as man in the loop doesn’t make sense.
After seeing the laser, GPS is turned off, instead it is flying on IOG, so technically you are not changing GNSS, but laser IOG.
PGM (the bomb with rocket boosters) can be launched as stand off, by locking a target, but mid flight, operator can take control over the targeting system, and change the seeker target, Man in the loop.
They do not implement man in the loop, that is changing the target of TV/IR/MMV/GNSS target.
Isn’t it’s deviation see to “0”, though? so it will always perfectly maintain intercept geometry.
Yes, but it is still technically not GNSS, but the laser seeker within the 4km range. Outside of the 4km range you cant change the GNSS target.
While we don’t have man in the loop, the Paveway IV should function like it without needing it because IOG should be so great that there’s functionally no deviancy. GPS aided IOG weapons should have no deviancy from the last laser spot track even if Gaijin does not allow players to change the GPS coordinates themselves.
Inertial drift significantly reduces with the addition of GPS mechanisms. There should be paper on this.
They do have 0 drift. Or at least they had
Ok I see you are referring to the DL. My bad. Yeah Gaijin doesn’t seem interested in DL with A2G munitions. That being said laser guidance by definition is a man in the loop.
Are you ever going to realistically be able to find a 2nd target then ensure the JDAM has the energy to reach the target that far away from the original point of impact.
Also it’s not just the P-IV’s with GPS retarget, the P-III and EGBU / P-II+ & later production JDAM (and more) kits also have the capability.
Maybe I should report the JDAM’s timeline(e.g. fin unlock etc.), being too short.
I think it gets mentioned somewhere in the above paper. Excerpt from PDF Page# 43.
Optimal guidance is through the use of a combined INS/GPS guidance solution, to achieve a 13-meter CEP at impact angles greater than 60degrees. However the weapon may also be used in an INS-only mode when employed in a GPS-denied environment. The accuracy of the weapon in the INS-only mode would be reduced to a 30 meter CEP
additionally there is Table 5-1 on PDF page #48.
Yes. Just saying what gaijin means by it.
Then if there’s 0 drift then it functionally operates like what the bug report suggests, at that point, is there any issue?
I mean 4km, as in the range where the seeker picks up the laser. It is 4750 or something like that. Outside of that range the bomb will not pick up the laser.
The desired result of my report would have essenetially eliminated the paveway IV having a limited range in which the laser can be used to update the target. Currently you drop them from 7-8km (for the sake of a number) and want to update the target, you have to wait for them to get within about 4km from the target before being able to update the target. With this change, it wouldnt matter where the bomb was in free fall.
But there are issues with it updating all bombs in free fall without a way to select which bomb you want to edit (which I reckon is within the capabilies to model) or by making it just affect the last bomb dropped.
However denying the report because they dont model “man-in-the-loop” bombs on a bomb with “man-in-the-loop” already. Is just kinda insane :D
What the bug reporter wants, is update the GNSS part of the guidence, so outside of the 4750m laser range, so for example you drop a IV from lets say 6km, and you can update it all the time
does the Typhoon have that datalink HMD ? in real life ?
Plus i haven’t yet seen a gun lead on the Typhoons HUD in Sim and its hard for me to aim sometimes
Plus thermals in the HMD
Plus the tint on the Hud doesn’t exist meaning you don’t see anything if it is bright out side or from your HMD in Sim
and we still have problems with SRH speed on the radar plus IRST is missing modes and range
but wait there is more …(the snail) … Noooo
ask gijin where it is, I made a bug report a month ago adressing that but no reaction.
I probably have to make a new bug report on the EEGS
I dont think we will see that anytime soon and Iam not even sure if the Striker 1 HMSS has that feature.
Who would want to see their HUD anyways, it is not like there is important information on it right?
Exactly there is no need to see the Su27 SM in front of me lunching missiles at me and not knowing its position and who is friendly or not in front of me why would i ever need that ++++ XDDD
Especially when it is a Stalingrad sunny day with snow there the typhoons awareness is amazing the HUD is completely invisible its like i turned it off XDDDDDDD
plus the fact that the Typhoons MAW is so crazy that i cant tell what is a flair and what is a missile
Well urelated to that I made a bug report on the missing lead indecator.
@Gunjob @WaretaGarasu
sorry to ping you but it would be nice if you could forward this bug report on the EEGS:
on the contrary thank you, I will support this report