Yea, the other was also just about the PW4 and does not include the LJDAM
I was going to do pure PW4. But then I thought “Hmm… Is it just PW4 or all GNSS bombs?”
Glad I checked, it’s all
when are we getting the convertible model
That is laser+IOG not Laser+GNSS
It’s just the GNSS bombs that lack the countdown
That is laser+IOG not Laser+GNSS
Yea and no, GBU-48 is Laser+IOG+GNSS
In before we get a Gaijin dev response -
‘Typhoon brought down by European Goose - we nerf it dah?’
Wiki is wrong then
I’m on mobile, so couldn’t check in game. Though looking, it also says PW4s are laser+IOG, so might be a wiki+mobile issue
The paperwork for that must be an absolute arse lmao.
Its the entire new wiki, it just sucks, so much stuff is lost…
Before i also liked to use the wiki when i am not in-game, but the new one has so much stuff which is just wrong or straigt up missing
You can append “old-”, and reach the previous version of the wiki, the same way you can access the
I am aware of that, the issue is the old wiki does not Feature new vehicles/weapons since it wont get updated anymore
Some things I like, something’s I don’t, but both failed miserably in certains ways like clearly displaying CM options on aircraft
man the Uk has it with breakdowns this weak
First the targeting pod now this
Thats why Ive been trying to gather more info on them 🥲
Using cockpit MFD’s is preferred in VR because the ingame RWR and radar overlays are staionnary objects in VR, meaning they block vision of considerable portions on each side of you and require you to turn your head just to look at them…
I think some of it might not be IRL issues and therefore no solution without Gaijin taking creative liberties.
Like the radar mode not being displayed on the MFD. (unless im blind and missed it) because I think it is an automatic system IRL where the pilot may not actually be able to imput the choice, or at the very least, I doubt the pilot has to cycle through modes like we do.
Definetly would be good if they took some creative liberties to add such information if sources couldnt be found
Looks like the radar mode is supposed to be shown on the softkeys that surround the radar screen itself
Source: Eurofighter Typhoon
You can see brackets around different portions of relevant softkeys. For example;
- Top left: B-SP is selected and likely means B-scope (the mode the screen is in atm) while PPI would be the pie shaped screen not displayed here
- RBGM (not selected) is likely “Real Beam Ground Mapping”
- TWS is self explanatory, other option is likely Velocity Scan/Search (VS)?
- SCAN/AUTO is probably something like decreasing/removing radar automation (CAPTOR-M is known to be highly automated)
I have no idea what the rest likely mean.
Range vs elevation formats:
- PROF selected would indicate MFD is in radar profile mode, which is what we see here
- CSCP likely C-scope (azimuth vs elevation) not seen in this pic
- Most other softkeys look to be changes in MFD
This one seems to be related to PIRATE/FLIR
This webpage has a ton of wonderful info but its missing some key stuff unfortunately, such as the DASS format MFD, I’m also not too sure what its source is, so despite being about the best source of MFD info we seem to have, I don’t think it can be used for a bug report, unless gaijin wants to be lenient (would be a QoL change for sim players).
The softkeys lighting has been bug reported, as the cockpit was actually better modelled on the dev server than on the live server, but the bug report seems to have slipped under everyone’s radar (@Gunjob plz halp T^T: Community Bug Reporting System)
Kind of incredible they managed to make the cockpit worse in some ways between the dev and the live, if I was the artist that modelled it, Id be having a fit…
The softkeys indications on the dev server would be wrong though according to the above pics of the MFD’s.
Another point to make, it seems other flight sims with the EFT have actually used a similar display style to the ones seen on the website. Not really worth anything, but interesting point of note with the Gaijin EFT cockpit being the least functional one.
Microsoft flight sim X manual image:
The format of the softkeys also lines up with this slide from the Norwegian presentation someone posted here. I can’t find the actual document itself though, but this would support this websites MFD images even further.
Displayed softkey text seems to depend on which MFD format is currently in use.
Yep that would certainly do it
and yeah, its a literal crime what they’ve done to the cockpit since dev
Looks better in this photo vs renditions
Also looking more at this photo looks like the keys are just back lit.
If I had to guess;
PPI - B-SP: is a toggle that swaps between Plan Position Indicator and B-Scope presentations allowing for better situational awareness, potentially including changing the reference frame (e.g. up is North, Towards the “Bullseye” or Airframe Line of action).
DFLT: Is the Default Profile for the display. So the pilot doesn’t have to change some number of settings as they go and can set it all up before hand saving time.
MKR LOC: is likely similar to Mark point / Steer-point creation in US aircraft that allows a set of coordinates to be remembered and used by other systems, as to if this uses the aircraft’s location or that of a hooked track-file I don’t know( but is likely dependent on mechanization and context ).
AGE: is obviously how long a Contact’s Track-file is remembered for before it is cleared.
DCLTR: Declutters the display and removes elements to assist with clarity.
HUD: is probably a toggle that repeats the HUD on the selected MFD to allow for “Head down” awareness to be retained.