Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Here’s what I promised btw:
Enemy HMD diamonds:

Friendly HMD circles:

An additional point of note I noticed taking these shots; the radar takes so long to update that the HMD overlays are rarely in the right spot when an aircraft isnt flying in a straight line. The indicator seems to inertially track the target as if they’d stopped maneuvering instead of tracking their expected vector. This might just be a visual thing tho cuz gaijins VR support is absolutely horrifically bad.

Also to note, the indicators only work if the radar is on, unlike in the Rafale, M2K5D-RMV, and A-10C. Those 3 jets were given an HMD that works on the power of friendship and rainbows, so their friendly overlay is always there and 100% perfect for both air and ground.

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F-15E can carry 28 of them. Also, adding them with IIR and SAL and GPS doesn’t mean devs love USA since it also wouldn’t have MMW like Brimstone. And don’t tell me the 111km figure isn’t at high altitude from an aircraft moving at whatever the maximum release speed is so the same thing about range applies to GBU-53. The Typhoon also has Paveways 4 so it does have the GPS+SAL while not a single US aircraft has it. Brimstone 2 or 3 vs GBU-53 is pretty fair imo

Thank you, I did actually jump into a GSB match this evening to grind out the event in the Typhoon so did actually notice it then (should have said). But it is very subtle if you werent looking for it. I was expecting like a cross through the friendly targets which is why I missed the different shapes.

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Gaijin: “Here US take 28x FnF glide-bombs on your top tier strike jet”

Gaijin “No UK, Germany and Italy cannot have 18x FnF AGMs that would be OP, you could wipe out the entire enemy team, they must be limited to SAL only”

Yes it would, be if we figure the same kind of drop in range. Then that would mean an effective release range of around 60km? Still double the 30km I would estimate for the Brimstone 2.

Yes, it does. but I used them in GPS mode once this evening, the rest of hte kills I got in the Typhoon using them they were laser guided like any other GBU the F-15E has available.

But I would still take FnF AGMs over them as well.

(SAL) Brimstone 2s = current AGMs in game imo
(SAL+GPS) GBU-53 = Brimstone 3s
(IIR+GPS+SAL) GBU-53 = (SAL) Spear-3

All good, just figured I was playing sim tonight so id take the screenshots. I gotta get some footage for a horrific bug gaijin introduced for VR players during the Storm Warning update as well at some point :/

Ouch, one of these days, I would love to get VR for Sim, but at the same time. Im kinda glad I dont have to deal with the VR bugs at the moment :D

But I do wish they made the cockpit more… readable for non-VR. Its just not quite as sharp as it needs to be for me to make full use of it with my head tracking

Different kind of FnF you can just pop smoke to beat IR. Also with how long it’ll take them to hit there’s a solid chance the target just goes behind cover and bomb loses lock

With the IOG/GPS it would likely still keep going to the same point, IIR would re-acquire the target if it moved out of smoke.

Given the lack of motor, they would produce no visual sign of being fired and given their longer range and slower travel time, could possibly out last smoke even if you saw them coming.

GBU-53s added with anything other than SAL, maybe SAL+GPS would be very OP.

But French having IR+GPS AASM is just fine?

Yes. so are KH-38s. Both are very OP at the moment, but are limited to carrying 6. That is their mitigation.

Now imagine an Su-34 carrying 28x KH-38s or the Rafale Carrying 28x AASMs

Theres a horrible bug in VR that I’d argue just about makes playing VR in War Thunder not worth it. We arent sure what exactly causes it yet, but when you get close to an enemy aircraft, your frame rates drop catastrophically. Mine drop from a stable 90 to below 30, my friends drop from 57 fps down to ~22 fps or lower. It makes it near impossible to get gunshots off and has lost me countless dogfights cuz I suddenly lose sight of the target and theres seemingly nothing I can do to fix it. It started following Storm Warning afaik, maybe one of the minor updates that came after it, I didnt play for a few weeks after the update dropped so not sure the exact timing.

Initially I though I had just screwed something up on my PC but my friend confirmed it was happening to them and other friends of theirs. VR community is so small in WT at this point tho that I havent heard of it being talked about outside our friend group, and nobodies bug reported it yet either.

Yeah, that sounds… rather insane

At the very least I’d hope for LJDAM and Laser SDB 1 for the F-15E and other US jets ASAP, and GBU-53 a bit later, since they would be a bit much right now but would at least make the strike eagle the best strike fighter (as it should be) in a little while from now

LDJAMs are a more reasonable ask for now, probably next major. Laser GBU-39s again, are far more reasonable and actually maybe a more reasonable comparison to how (SAL) Brimstone 2s would be used in game (fire them off at longer range, then reposition and use the laser in terminal phase)

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A model for GBU-53 was datamined though, so in a classic gaijin moment, we could see GBU 53 before Laser SDB

A lot gets data-mined but doesnt appear for ages. So doesnt mean too much.

Doesnt also AGM-187 has IR?

This lists only SAL + MMW

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  1. It’s AGM-187A (JAGM-F)
  2. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t, JAGM-MR does though, but that’s AGM-179x
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GBU-53 is very different from Brimstone…