can you pass my ‘Transonic’ callout suggestion thing
I mean nothing new.
Happend with 2a7v and 2a7hu as well
Hey its already on our existing VWS report. :)
Also the “Tiger fuel” callout?
P.S. I assume Internal report?
No, did we work out what that actually means?
Sadly not, I tried to contact “Titan” the Pilot but i dont exspect an answer tbh :(
I have an FOI in to try to get a list of the VWS callouts wherein they don’t give away any classified capabilities.
Lemme guess, to the RAF?
The MOD/RAF yes.
So we likely wont get an answer before march if they are as fast as the BW :(
Hit or miss on speed, depends on the request. Expected reply is early Feb’.
I don’t think that’s true, I’m pretty sure part of EU agreements is mutual defense treaties.
Which year?
I’ll show myself out.
the transonic callout is not in this report…
Internally my guy.
Should Gaijin make Litening pods jettisonable like other stores? 😅
It’s not Litening that was jettisoned, it was the pylon. The fact that Litening was on it was a mere coincidence. Or MoD got a report that laser deteriorates with distance, so they brought the laser closer to the target.
I imagine the MoD’s press office is simply hoping nobody takes an interest in what might have been on the pylon and ask the awkward question w/r/t exactly how much a Litening pod costs to replace