Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Dont think so, similar thing was just reported for the Rafale actually: Community Bug Reporting System

For targets I know for sure dont show up in the MFD, Rafale, EFT’s, and Kfir C10 all show up as “?”

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cockpit RWR:

War-Thunder-Datamine/gui.vromfs.bin_u/reactivegui/planerwrs/rwrdass.nut at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub

3rd Person RWR:

War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/sensors/uk_praetorian_rwr.blkx at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub

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If it bothers you why not report it? The odds of it being fixed without a report are basically zero.

I’ve been operating on the most atrociously horrendous sleep schedule in the history of this planet for the last little biut, which has left me with little drive to do much but talk. It was also mentionned by multiple other ppl before I noticed it, so I figured itd be reported already.

Some of the other stuff I wanna report (missing profile view MFD, missing NEZ indication, (likely) missing ability to slave radar to RWR, etc…) are all things im pretty sure I have insufficient sources to work with at the moment, which is why Ive spent the last few days trying to talk about them with ppl in these threads to potentially gain more sources, but hasn’t really gone anywhere, such as this:

Many other things (flares activating MAWS and blowing out my eardrums while simulataneously nuking my situational awareness, general radar terribleness, etc…) have already been reported, just not actionned yet (theres like a gazillion EFT reports with basicly everything about the plane being wrong in some way seemingly)

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didnt the snail say that all MAWS are currently modeled as IR based systems and its an engine limitation?
[though even then, modern IR based systems dont have this problem either…]

Even IR based MAWS have flare rejection. Itd be beyond stupid to run an MAWS that panicked at any heat source, you’d just have a ton of false positives, which harms the pilots situational awareness.

and even if they didnt, would probably be simple enough to give “PD MAWS” in game flare rejection at a bare minimum.

if its based on the same IR modeling as missiles then its a simple change…

but i bet gaijin would want to make it see chaff…

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Im surprised it doesnt trigger constantly from the sun :D


or other afterburner xD


dont IR missiles still lock the sun through thick asf clouds?

I have no idea, but probably


You can set a key binding to turn off maws actovated CMor use the multi function menu.

You still get the MAWS warning, but at least it doesn’t dump all your countermeasures.

Even that though is problematic in a gamemode like Sim where you cant just see if the warning is because of a nearby flare or if you actually have to defend. And if your are in a furball and people are just actively dropping flares. Then the MAWS warning becomes totally useless for warning you of an actual missile because you have no idea which is which.

Flare rejection is desperately needed

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If RWR says MSL+ maw is going crazy = Pray/Dodge/Notch whatever…
If RWR is quit, but MAW goes Nuts = Chill, turn off MAW for an moment

What if it’s fox-2?

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They definitely need to either switch it off for the Eurofighter, or allow for slaving of AMRAAMs to the IRST, as the bug is generally putting me off playing Air RB as it’s a literal gamble whether I’ll be able to even use my weapons or not

Already do that, but doesnt stop the 17+ alarams going off constantly cuz of flares -_-

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And die to an IR missile

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