Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

So, the F-22 cant supercruise?

What is it then

That’s not what I said, they stated the F-22 can supercruise up to 1.82 mach. I stated that only one of those aircraft listed at the respective speeds is doing so with less than full mil throttle.

GODDAMN… Shame i hate flying, cant stand it knowing i have a couple mm of alluminium between me and 35,000ft of nothing. not for me.

I dont know, make up a name for it as its not super cruise?

The Olympus was a good engine for the 60s and 70s, used until the 2000s. It had reheat but was only used to surpass the wave drag barrier after which it pulled the throttle back and efficiently cruised. This isn’t something easily done by a turbofan because the air going around the core slows down the exhaust velocity too much.

U did imply the pulled back speed was 1.8mach earlier but thats just nit picking.

Setting the throttle to cruise in supersonic conditions isn’t supercruise, but using maximum dry thrust is?

No, I outright stated the cruise speed was 1.5 mach (just past the wave drag boundary).

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For when this one gets banned and going forward we will have different features and weapon systems

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British Thread is for detailed technical discussions using sources.

German Thread is for German mains to complain about not getting IRST.


As far as I see for the past 1000 comments this thread as been around data fusion and supercruise bitching, so I’ll pass on that explanation lmao

Correction. 1 guy claiming that the Typhoon has neither. and everyone else on the thread proving him wrong using primary sources for a 1000 comments


Ha ha…Savage!

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marketing lies


200 replies damn

I can prove the MMW / IIR obscurant smoke formulation M81 exists, as to if only the Abrams ever was furnished with it I couldn’t say for certain as it’s a 66mm grenade form factor, a common NATO standard caliber for dispensers (e.g. M250, M239, M243, and similar Dischargers) so many disparate installations could theoretically fit the Grenade.

The advanced development program for the M81 grenade was conducted from 1987 to 1992. in the transition to full scale development, the Operational Requirements Document (ORD) required the grenade to provide IR and MM instead of just MM protection The Grenade, Launcher, Smoke: Millimeter/Infrared (MM/IR) Screening, M81 (Figure 17) was type classified in 1995 and is scheduled to begin production in 1998

Later in the same document it does reference the M6 Discharger being tested on a Bradley hull (type unspecified though likely an M2 based on context), and that the installation did not significantly increase the Vehicle’s apparent RCS due to being of composite construction.


If it was only used by Abrams, even if it’s technically compatible with others, only Abrams should get it, since Abrams doesn’t have spall liner but just about everyone else does, would be a nice way to compensate

Of course, in the end this all serves to get EFT brimstones