Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I truly do not know, I am unsure I can remember what I had for breakfast, Definitely cannot remember the forum rules, I just try to be polite and not leak any classified documents or accidentally break an NDA I can’t quite remember the terms to lmao.

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Correct. As I wrote (and edited later) the PIRATE can estimate position, distance and movement vectors relative to your planes position. That is everything any missile needs to be shot at a target using its INS until its own seeker aquires the target. Updates via datalink will be send through a different set of active antennas or the radar itself (even if the radar didn’t locked the target it sends the data PIRATE gathers in realtime).
Technically you could also guide your missile through counter measures if the planes sensor isn’t affected (or has better IRCCM/ECCM) when the missiles seeker would fail.

now I have to post them all over there…



Oh, I see. I meant that starting from the reflection of the radio signal from the target, radar and IRST work the same (provided that IRST is able to measure the distance itself or with the help of a laser rangefinder)
Or rather - I see the difference here only in the fact that the IRST skips “point 1 - radiation”. After that, the rest looks the same to me. As I already said - this is just my IMHO based on what I saw in this same thread.

Oh no a meme : 0

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And that is the exact problem of ranging with waves. If you don’t know when the wave you detect started traveling, so you have no time value with which you could calculate the distance. That is also the problem of passive radar homing or RWRs. If you actively send the wave you can meassure the time until the echo reaches your receiver(s), so you just do a “speed of light / time / 2” (correct me if I’m wrong) to estimate the distance.
So yeah you have to use laser ranging or other means (like the “streaming vectors” of PIRATE) to estimate the distance to a target from which you detected incoming waves.

From all available information, Typhoon should be able to guide an ASRAAM using pirate.

If it can send DL guidance to AMRAAM (no it’s not a marketing lie) then it can send DL to ASRAAM.

Your assuming the EFT can carry ASRAAM (an obvious marketing lie).




Dont start, i dont know what it is with keyboards but i end up writing in the wrong order half the time despite knowing how to spell so in the end i just dont bother with the less egregious misspellings/grammatical errors.

Well the Swiss report you posted states “cruise at Mach 1.4”

Just so we are all clear on this.

The definition of supercruise is the ability to maintain supersonic speeds (mach 1.0+) using dry thrust/without using afterburner while carrying a useful payload for the mission/purpose of the aircraft.

That’s it.

The definition has not changed in 50 years.
The type of throttle indicated does matter aside from no Afterburner/WEP/WET power modes.

The Concorde could supercruise at Mach 2.0, it could carry a full passenger compliment while doing so.

The F22 can supercruise at up to mach 1.8 with internal stores only in a multirole capability.

The Eurofoghter can supercruise at up to mach 1.4 with a full air to air compliment.


Only one of these is pulling the throttle back to an efficient range when doing so

I always forget how much of a power house the concord was… i may need to look into the engines of it as im not even sure if it had AB tbh?



That is correct, the F-22 can as well if it reduces the top speed to 1.5

Cool, not what super cruise is. Still an amazing feature than none of us are downplaying but its not what super cruise is. Its something better… can you not just accept that?

The concorde had standard turbojets, Olympus 593