Also a pain managing the TGP, while not flying into the ground and avoiding things shooting at you
at what point do you guys think MMW stuff like the brimstone 2 (which is 100% relevant to EFT btw) will come? i think will come with chaff smoke and better spaa as well as APS systems
I dont mind laser that much as it slows things down a lot, particularly since these are small. The standoff capability still bugs me a ton tho, but atleast it wouldnt be capable of wiping out teams in short periods of time.
I still dont understand why players feel the need to have weapons that outrange the only answer ground players have. Brimstone 1’s already technically outrange every SAM in-game, Brimstone II’s, SDB-1’s, Kh-38M’s, AASM’s, etc… are all super overkill and just wouldnt be fun to play against, as there literally isnt any counterplay
Less of an issue in Sim compared to GRB, but yes, certainly something you have to worry about
Considered upgrades dont mean they are going to be better. We also considered buying the F18E but its not better than a phoon
The only ground vehicles that can defend against MMW radars such as the Eurofighter’s Brimestone 2 are the Abrams with specialized smoke grenades that can block MMW emissions to my knowledge.
I disagree
“Marketing lie” ™
half knowledge by you once again, of course the self proclaimed abrams tankers thinks only abrams can do that lol
No current SAMs can counter a well flown Rafale/Typhoon even Pantsir struggles.
As a Brit none of your SAMS can deal with a competent Rafale pilot and they just destroy your team. Su-34 get the kills and then die.
Rafale go rearm and come back and the spawn cost for CAP aircraft (the only counter) is laughably high
they could add CRAM trucks to blast them out of sky, so we could get EFT revelant Brimstone II’s with mmw
Theres a reason why they stayed as considered and not executed
really? i thought such things were standardized across NATO mbt’s to protect against possible MMW weapons, such as the eurofighter’s brimstone (just an example)
Gameplay-wise, planes should never have the ability to “counter” SPAA’s. SPAA’s are literally the only thing protecting ground vehicles from AA. Planes can already kill SPAA’s even from within their range. They do not need the ability to hard counter SPAA with complete immunity, thats just horrid game design.
If you wanna see what OP CAS does to a ground mode, just go play top tier sim where air assets can spawn with any weapon loads they want right at the start. It isnt sim ground. Its sim air with unwilling human targets, which is why basically nobody plays it anymore. Thats why I think its good the Brimstone II’s arent on the Typhoon, and why I think all standoff munitions should be relegated to air only modes.
I think we’re really stretching the limits of the thread topic at this point lol, let’s move that to a ground forces discussion if you want more information on it.
that is literally what the point of some planes ingame is
Now you are contradicting yourself. “doesn’t have” and “doesn’t compare” are two VERY different things.
a professional Olympics athlete might run a marathon in x minutes and John Doe 55 that hasn’t run since highschool might run it 30 times slower. that doesn’t mean that John isn’t running at all.
If it has it, it has it, no matter how bad it is or you think it is.
This is just straight up wrong though. Sensorfusion is even called “multi sensor data fusion” as that is exactly what it is. data fusion is the umbrella term, Sensor fusion is a subset (and a type of) of data fusion involving data from more than one sensor (it can even be the same type type of sensor, or different sensors, or even weirder; one sensor and a saved set of previously measured data).
That isn’t a requirement for sensor fusion though.
all of this is relevant to the implementation of the eurofighter’s most notable a2g weaponry, it has to be adressed as part of balancing.