The issue is, that it won’t change back like that. When you press the keybinds to switch between the two modes without a lock it works fine, however once you have a lock, the keybind doesn’t work instead it changes how wide the search range is. You have to intentionally lose lock, switch modes again. However this can lose you the fight especially when you’re closing in around 6KM where it truly matters on who gets the first shot off.
Typhoons Radar is still poor,
120s are too easily multi pathed. And the Rafale has it on toast in every metric excluding BVR which the Radar isn’t very good in.
Typhoon needs some real help in 1 v 1 with the other peer aircraft.
The AIM-120 is really good
Every time you talk i hear skill issue
Not in ground rb at lower altitudes it’s not, if someone knows a 120 is coming it is too easy to multipath.
Dive down pop chaff wait for your MAWS to go off pull up slightly drop chaff.
while in a notch that defeats 120s.
1 V 1 with a Rafale in ground battles and you are going to lose most of the time in the Typhoon because the Rafale just does that while sending MICA EMs at you.
The problem still is the Radar gives ghost contacts you are sending a 120 at what you believe is a target and it’s nothing meanwhile the Rafale who’s Radar is better (and rightfully so) has you locked perfectly
its good but ngl i’d rather have mica’s in today’s meta
The Typhoon is better at dogfighting and a better FM in general
Cant really dogfight in ground battles, if you go up a SAM will delete you
Typhoon FM is great, it’s a great jet
I was responding to your first post about it, I don’t have any top tier ground battle experience so I will not comment on it
That’s fair!
IMO mica is not that good, it’s Just that rafale’s radar is incredible. When they didn’t exist, fighting m2ks with the f15C was super easy, if current EFT ingame had a similar radar it would be absurd with the amraams.
Multipath is the same for every Fox3 missile afaik.
It is but MICAs are the short range missile king, the 120 feels slow when facing a Rafale.
You make a good point about the Radar
Try to avoid getting close to frenchies at all costs, if you spot a rafale launch one amraam to scare and force him to go defensive. Ik it’s hard sometimes cuz you have a dogcrap radar so the rafale will always spot you first, but it’s the only way unfortunately…
It’s incredible how a really good radar makes a huge difference, i can’t use rat strategies with the mig29 anymore.
Yeah ground battles you are already close, I managed to get within 5km but the MICA just cooked me. Then you have the SAMs trying to hit you too.
It’s a tough fight.
yes the Rafale completely invalidated the Gripen play style flying low and using HOB R-Darters
ground rb is too chaotic imo, one of the reasons i gave up on it
Ground is horrible right now even before this update where Gaijin decided Germany, Russia and Sweden should be on the same team…but Brimstones are crap in air RB
Yeah, greatest shame of the nerfs. Might balance them for ground modes, but the nerfs just make them pointless for any air modes
Is this also for the RAF EF one, or do you guys dont have the golden one?
nah i think its incredible. the TVC is what makes it that. i even went back to playing the 2000-5 and still kick ass