Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Depends - I think we’ll have to wait and see how much of a difference it makes in actual gameplay. I usually have the radar on manual elevation control anyway to sort of ‘jockey’ the scan to where I want it - possibly a workaround if the scan rate is slower in the vertical axis.

The main problem I had was in it constantly losing locks of that in any other aircraft (Tornado, Gripen, even the Phantom - the PHANTOM) I felt I would not have. The effect is that I spend more time trying to make the damn radar do what I want it to than actually flying the jet. Which is the complete and total opposite to the Typhoon radar system IRL - which managed to reduce the workload on the pilot to the point that you no longer needed a second-seater to juggle all the radar black magic.

I’ve also had one or two cases where I’ve hard-locked from TWS mode and the AMRAAM has refused to fire. Possibly a packet-loss issue but I’ve never had it happen on any other Fox-3 on any other aircraft?

No thats a bug the game has a few aircraft that suffer from it
The TWS and hardlock is atrocious right now.

Depends if Gaijin test these fixes or just roll them out and hope that solves the issues.

Captor-M decides locking with IRST was the best course of action for a head-on target. The german ef is unironically better because it doesn’t deal with this shit.


IRST need to be removed from Auto-switch
untill AMRAAM would be able to launched by IRST


The phantom is a stealth fighter idk what you are going on about, shouldn’t be able to lock it. /s

Might have a bug report to write, but I could also be wrong on how they are meant to function.

Paveway IVs. Currently, if you drop them with laser off, they’ll go to their designator marker on GNSS just fine. If you enable the laser, they’ll swap from the GNSS target to the laser target just fine. But if you then turn off the laser, they just fall out of the sky like a dumb bomb. Is this correct behaviour or should the GNSS target be updated/they should guide via IOG?

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i mean, once you switch to laser it probably clears GPS data. once you turn off laser, it isnt being guided at all, since it is basically just a Paveway III with GPS, and according to gaijin Paveway III doesnt have IOG, you may be right, you probably are right, but gaijin wont change it.

My guess is because the lock switched to an IR lock, rather than the regular lock.

It’s been a problem for all planes with IRST for a few months iirc.

Wierdly, I dont think i’ve had my radar in the Typhoon do it once yet.

This was also observed on AASMs. I would encourage you to bug report it, I would contact Flame about this.


Yep, shall write one tomorrow.

Is there any difference between the italian and british typhoon other than the laser warning?

Well, I’ve experienced both. Which is obviously pretty damn bad. But no.

I’ve had issues with missiles just not launching, even though I’ve had both TWS softlock and acquired hard lock.
This has happened with both amraam as well as aim-9’s, 90% with the amraam though.

So with this happening with fox-2’s. It’s not entirely the radars fault as even with an IRST lock,if the switch from radar to IRST happens.
the IR’s would have fired. But I’ve experienced this in 1/4 of my matches.

so wait a minute we have a problem with the radar underperforming and they nerf it even more, isn’t it considered the best of the best as normal PD radar ?

Not really a nerf… In some regards a pretty big buff actually.

This is why I hate content creators like Mattawg who just put out slop after they see “hurr durr numbers got lower, must be a nerf”


i dont watch him any more i just saw the scan zones and the power output

Is the EEGS accurate? How do I use the gun sight on targets? The piper line is very sensitive and all over the place.

Also, is the PIRATE/Tpod supposed to lock onto your currently locked target? Mine doesn’t in a soft or hard lock.

Also got an issue when trying to guide weapons with the Tpod, it doesn’t want to go all the way to it’s negative vertical limit, it refuses to look aft and keeps jumping forward.

Yes and No, EEGS works best with smooth motion by both you and the target. The more erratic either or both of you are the more inaccurate it will get.

Does the EFT not have an actual gun piper for radar locked targets or do you just have to get the end of the tail over the target?