Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Thing is that all operators of the Typhoon did procure F-35s in either the A(Italy and Germany) or the B version (Britian)

You’re really going to call the small assortment of scrap metal Russia and China have assembled as Stealth jets? But we are the ones overhyping things?

Can Russia even get two of their “modern” jets flying at the same time? Calling them more than prototypes is generous overhype I must say.

Well yes, eventually (looking at you Germany)…
I understand they were late to the party and wanted something to warrant all the money spent. They need to keep up industry etc … but do you want F-35s for all those countries? I’m not sure the game really needs to go that far into the future anyway.

The FA2 could also fly higher more effectively. Usually 30k ft Vs the F3s 20kft. Which gave them quite a major range advantage even after the F3 got AMRAAM too

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True, it is more likely that the game will collapse before Gen 5s are added, looking at the old codebase.

Well we(Germans) ironically got the F-35 as a replacement to our Tornados which are pretty outdated now.

That’s actually something I didn’t expect. The Tornado wasn’t very optimized for high alt even in the ADV?

Thats what i meant it can track enemys for the missles and lead the missle to the target like that

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Based upon Paul Tremmelings book, they struggled at that alt with fuel burn. So opted for a lower alt. According to his book when on training exercises with them, he was asked to descend to 20k ft as they were having to use AB to maintain that alt, when training was delayed for whatever reason.

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Ah, just a fuel efficiency issue then… probably still performs alright tho. We should move that convo to the correct topic tho if we wanna continue it.

Most IRST + radar combos on aircraft with fox-3 should be able to slave the ARH seeker I’d think… but yeah, that’s quite useful for sneaking up on people and then launching it in active mode I suppose.

Nowing Gajin they probably grab something out of the air

Probably, though not much more to say and rarely do BVR fights occur at that alt, or even much above 1000ft in WT. Especially with the poor Radar controls. Though I’m hoping on the FA2, EFT, or whatever comes next that it will have some better search modes. F3 always feels a little handicapped by its search modes that were probably meant for someone in the back manually moving them around, and not a more automatic search. A symptom of the dual seater, so I hope that any future single seater will be better just for that alone

If you tag @MythicPi he had a very good suggestion for dual seat aircraft use in war thunder.

Yeah, I read that suggestion and voted for it, Would be a big boost. though also just getting relative control + vertical axis control would also be a major help in that regard too


Sorry what

Ahhh yeah a thrust to weight of >1.5 is gunna have a lower sustained rate and energy retention than an F-14B of course my bad.

Do you have installed thrust information for Eurofighter? I’d be glad if you could change my opinion in that regard, I was thinking the static thrust to weight was ~1.45 completely empty… which puts it slightly ahead of the F-14B in that regard but it’s still a delta

What I’ve come to know is that the Eurofighter’s thrust to weight with installed thrust is around 1.22, similar to the F-14B at around 20 minutes fuel load in-game. (Similar fuel weights).

And then there is this bit;

I’m not one for taking the pilots word with things, but the fact that they commented about the installed thrust being comparable to the late build F/A-18 models is… rough imo.

price and reliability probably

Imagine instead of a cf18 we get a british f14

Chaotic evil

It like the f16aj they considered it but was too expensive