Isn’t there a difference in a2a capabilities between a dedicated a2a IRST or IRST pod and an a2g targeting pod? Pirate could track more targets no?
I dont know the specifics i just read it here in this or the german topic
I think the difference would be that you can’t set the pod to scan for targets, instead using your radar to scan a target then slave the pod to it.
Iirc, you CAN, but it won’t be as good in a2a as say, PIRATE, or a Legion pod
Also I don’t think a2g TGP has the software to do multiple a2a tracking at once
No, and it also shouldn’t be able to guide in ammrams like the PIRATE can but it should be able to provide guidance for IR missiles so enemy flares don’t break your radar track at least.
Does Home-On-Jam home in on the towed decoy? Which is what I would imagine what the main purpose of it would be as it would fool missiles into thinking the jamming is coming from the aircraft, sorry I’m really drunk as it’s New Year’s, happy 2025 everyone!
Yes, if the decoy is jamming, the missile would probably home onto it if it has home on jam
I don’t see how that would be 100% effective against modern post-90’s missiles and I haven’t seen anything to suggest it has been effective against anything but simulated 60’s SAM threats.
do you know how effective something like Britecloud would be? seeing as many aircraft in game could get it, Gripens, RAF eurofighters, anything in US service with AN/ALE-47 (F-15E, F-16, F-18, A-10, UH-60, AH-1, AH-64)
Do you have anything to suggest whether or not it is being incorporated in the Eurofighter? If they are switching to it, that would lead me to believe it is better than the current systems. If not, it may be on par or worse than.
Here is a source from Leonardo suggesting F-16, Tornado, and Gripen use it… doesn’t say the EFT.
This study implies the only downside to the towed decoy by comparison is essentially just the number of them that can be carried.
5 paragraphs down
Mentions F-15 and F-18 too
Interesting, I know that a single towed decoy is not going to be as effective as multiple expended active decoys; perhaps even the towed decoy system on the Eurofighter is outdated.
Imagine how annoying an F-15E with it’s post-EPAWSS 360 cm count would be when loaded with britecloud lol
Imagine trying to defeat an F-15EX with EPAWSS when you’re in a Raptor and he can not only detect that you’re tracking him with a LPI radar, but also jam it and decoy your limited number of missiles with ease.
Now you’re working to turn off your RF signature and evade his up to 22 AMRAAM’s in return. lol.
This is why AIM-260 will be huge in modern environments. The systems it has are crucial.
Would be crazy huh, but I thought that even with the double amraam CFT things, it only goes up to 16 amraams, and the quad racks dont work
Funny thing is, that F-15EX will have AIM-260 as well lol
As F-15 are BOL compatible on wing stations, each wing station has 2 amraam so that’s 2 BOL pylon per wing station. F-15EX has 4 wing station so 8 BOL launchers total. With 160 CM per launcher, that is a staggering 1280 BOL + 360 regular
Assuming they fix BOL by then, a 640 flare, 640 chaff, 360 britecloud load out would be the way to go for the EX
Back on the topic of Eurofighter - they should be well aware of potential multiple seeker designs because the US had posed these features as a potential upgrade to sparrows we were trying to sell them as early as 1970.
True, modern 2 way DL effectively makes stuff like 120D a multi mode seeker missile when paired with full size AESA and IRST
Any news on the reports for STR and acceleration? Even on min fuel I still can’t get the thing to pull brakes off to mach in under 30sec.