Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

You are right words do have meaning, the phrase “is fully capable of performing in modern day (it isn’t)” implies that it is incapable of being used in the modern day. The statement is negating the assertion made before it. So, in essence, both phrases convey the same meaning.

“Muh stealth” The EF has some of the most sophisticated EW systems, to say that it isnt stealthy at-all is just wrong, it also has more than just a radar meaning this “stealth” that is seen on other aircraft is practically irrelevant, what is the point in lets say an f35 carrying less armament(to be stealthy) when it can be seen by pirate?

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From experience, having to look for the enemy and being unable to see him until he is close when he can see you the whole time usually means you lose. I elaborated on what I meant, no need to play semantics further than that. At that point you’re asserting I am saying something I am not to advance your side of the argument.

The Eurofighter would be swatted from the sky and thanks to it’s sensors, it would at least know it was going to be swatted. It just wouldn’t know from where, or who. Go ahead, turn around towards direction of missile launch and try to find the enemy with Pirate… what then? Are you going to launch a radar missile without a track file? Wanna defend that incoming missile?

Because thats how that works… so when the stealth aircraft locks up the EF you think that the RWR suddenly doesn’t work?

When or why would you do that? lets just fly into incoming death :))))


No if i was to fire using pirate as slave it would clearly be ASRAM unless someone wanted to leak info (do not do this) telling us that it can be used to slave AMRAAM too.

but lets be honest this no one is flying like this why are you treating the EF pilot like they have no brain?? ontop of this, why do you assume the stealth works 100% perfectly but the EW on the EF is a nill factor?

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I’m not saying you’re entirely wrong, but every current stealth aircraft either have no IRST, or they use an IRST with a laser rangefinder (rather than a passive system), every single one isn’t going to know where the Eurofighter is unless it also knows where they are, Meteor can be fired against radars, ASRAAM functions as an IRST range extender, whats to top the Eurofighter focussing its sensors on that arc as good as stealth is, if you know where to look in something like a Eurofighter or Rafale then you can find that target.

We know that stealth interferes with targeting systems, not search systems, furthermore ECRS MK.2 has multiple bands, including low bands which can see through stealth. It is also just an exceptional radar system maybe even on par with what the F-35 and F-15 use.

I’m not informed enough to mention EW but the ECRS MK.2 improves upon that of the Gripen E, and yes we know SAAB are delusional for comparing it to F-35 but its a benchmark at least. We are much past the time of the Eurofighter having a sub-standard avionics suite, now i’d say it rivals that of many stealth aircraft.

This is what confuses me whenever people mention the F-22 or others, you can’t kill a Eurofighter, without it knowing where its being killed from, and if it knows that much, it can probably kill you too.

I understand your point but even to say ‘fully capable of performing in modern day (it isn’t).’ I think its flawed. But admittedly ‘probably kill you too’ does not trump ‘will kill you’.

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Low probability of intercept

How else would you use the forward looking infrared against an adversary you can’t see first?

You think the Eurofighter would make it to a merge with an F-35?

AMRAAM / Meteor would be unable to build track data based on the IRST at relevant ranges even by the furthest stretch of the imagination.

Because the stealth is combat proven and the EW isn’t?

Very doubtful, the low probability of intercept is a big requirement for stealth aircraft radars.

At what ranges? You know this with some degree of certainty?

You’ll know the direction the missile is when it goes active on you, or the optical systems detect it as it’s coming in…

No one is seriously suggesting the Eurofighter has any chance of killing an F-35 outside of some Tom Cruise piloting an enemy F-14-esque behavior.

Whilst we are on the topic of Meteor, does anyone know why there isn’t some sort of IR Seeker for Meteor to partner with PIRATE?

Given PIRATE is specifically designed to rival stealth aircraft and none of our enemies seem to be capable of manufacturing engines with competent IR shielding, surely it would make sense to have an ultra-long-range IR missile for a passive kill.

Realistically ASRAAM isn’t a MICA, it can’t compete in BVR the same way MICA can.

IR would require additional cooling, space, etc and for a very long range missile the probability that the sky is clear and no clouds are obscuring the target especially during defensive maneuvers is absurd. It would be quite useless with the exception of potentially improving terminal homing. Even then, the AESA radar upgrade is more promising.

ECRS MK 1&2 (and AESA in a wider sense) operate with multiple bands. Low radar bands is how the Serbs were able to shoot down the F-117 with an old low-band Soviet system. I’ll look for a source specifically for the ECRS MK.1&2 and respond to you tomorrow, because I am short of time right now but ECRS definitely has low band coverage.

I understand that you don’t have to lock to fire anymore, but the Eurofighter is still going to get an RWR ping. Equally so, you can’t provide mid course correction without an active radar and the DASS is, again, exceptional, routinely scoring in the top 3 systems, its going to have no problem defeating an AMRAAM.

Of course not, my stance is, as it always has been, no 4.5th generation fighter stands a probable chance of killing a 5th generation fighter, but of the 4.5th generation fighters, the Eurofighter stands the best chance of at least a mutual kill.

Which is why subsequent fighters rely heavily on more radar absorbent materials rather than shapes and paint alone. They absorb these radar waves and mitigate the length of straight edges to reduce the chance of detection specifically in those relevant bands.

I don’t think that’s the case. The development of LPI radars has mitigated most radar based RWR systems for the F-22. They remain undetected when hunting their prey, even when the radar is on. You’ll need a more sophisticated system and the addition of optical sensors like on the Rafale.

You won’t defeat an AMRAAM very easily if you’re relying on radar based electronic sensors. You’ll find out it’s locked you… it’s too late then. Does the Eurofighter have optical missile approach warning systems?

I highly disagree, the KF-21 and aircraft such as Rafale or latest F/A-18 blocks just outclass it. I still don’t think any of these gen4 aircraft are going to be scoring mutual kills with the gen5. I don’t think they’ll even be aware that they are being engaged until the missile is well off the rail.

Isnt the rage of LPI modes incredibly small? & doesn’t jamming and even just being loud disrupt this significantly? in my opinion your overhyping of the 22-35 will only be detrimental to their addition to the game.

I agree, let’s continue to hype them so the Eurofighter (which is overhyped) isn’t DOA.

I think your really underplaying typhoon mate…

360° MAWS, 360° ECM, 2 towed radar ecm decoy if you are fired upon, laser warning against Laser guided munitions, enough CM’s to last you a game.

Ignoring it being probably the best performing jet in the game right now. On top of a radar that can do it all, and has an automated system that will track inside of MBC clutter. An IRIS-T with great capability and 8-10 missiles giving you decent endurance.

Having a turn rate worse than the F-16C and energy retention likely worse than the F-14B, F-15, F-16, MiG-29, etc… I don’t know that it will be “the best performing jet”… The number of ordnance and radar performance is good but the argument was previously about how it performs today irl… and to be honest I don’t think it does. Not really.

In-game how it will perform is entirely dependent on such a numerous amount of factors… all we can go off is the history of the tech tree and thanks to the overhype… I think it will be dead on arrival. They won’t add the systems until long after it’s put in. Similar situation to the French with their M2K.

If i remember right we had docs in the old forum that said u could slave Radar missles to PIRATE

That’s a given, but it doesn’t build a track for them.

Are you sure? All interviews and pieces of information I could find about mock fights point towards the eurofighter being superior to all but the earlier f16 blocks in terms of flight performance and even then its a very close thing.

Real life interviews also pin the MLD as a competitor to the F-14, or depending on who you ask… Rafale to F-22. These are nonsense, take into account many things we do not in the game. They start from higher altitudes, and in real life the F-16 is heavily AoA limited whereas in-game it can practically cobra with no signs of instability. No wing rock, no un-commanded yaw. Lots of variables to consider as I said.

Next thing, will a Typhoon ever face an F-35? Very likely not.
Against the enemy it was designed to face it is plenty enough provided that this enemy isn’t shot down by its own air defense (which is not unlikely)

Well, we’re comparing it to what they could have procured. The “enemy” if you want to call them that would be China, Russia. Both use stealth fighters but that would start a whole other discussion.

If you look at potential threats, the Eurofighter is still viable. As I said, it’s not fully incapable against modern threats. It’s also not like the UK is going up against them alone. In the context of the game, if it’s as hype as people say… It may very well face late 4.5 and early 5th gens.