Look at where they’re placed
Read the sources I linked
Look at where they’re placed
Read the sources I linked
Can voice warnings be one thing that isnt historically accurate and you just add a load of alternative options that the player can chose (one of which being a historically accurate version of course)
I really just want an angry scottish guy screaming at me for the voice warning :P
What would the realistic voice alerts be, do we have a British version of Betty?
I think so. At the moment it just uses the US one as a placeholder. I have no idea what the historically accurate version sounds like though
That doesn’t match my experience at all. The narrow TWS scan is perfectly capable of tracking targets 70km out when you’re at altitude. I’ve gotten at least a dozen kills on targets 30km’s away which the radar has tracked the whole way in, even when they were maneuvering and chaffing.
The other modes are junk, and it’s prone to having other issues that makes its a pain in the arse to use but the narrow TWS mode is functional and can be used for BVR.
Issue is the merge and “ghost returns” You are stuck with a Radar that wants to lock things in TWS that aren’t there
I have the narrow scan search mode fail on me about 10-20% of the time. Its really wierd. Doesnt in either the SHar or the Gripen. But sometimes it just looses the target with the narrow scan.
So even in that mode, something is definetly not quite right with the Blue Vixen in the Typhoon at the moment
If it performed as a copy paste of the Gripen it would be useable.
Also is Pirate supposed to be stabilised?
Yeah, that is what has me most confused of late. Its one thing that its Blue Vixen placeholder till CAPTOR-M is ready (called that months ago btw) but they’ve somehow made it worse than the radar its should be a C&P of.
yeah, what exactly am I looking for?
One says nothing about it, and the other I’m doubting the accuracy of. Its an off hand sentence in a study that is about an entirely different subject
How does it achieve 360 protection if the rear sensor is not 180°
Stop putting the blinders on then
That would be the maximum possible gimbal speed.
The maximum gimbal speed of the blue vixen is 300 degrees/s
The maximum acceleration is 2000 deg/s squared.
The maximum scan speed in tws mode was still 60 degrees per second.
Maximum gimbal and acceleration speed of of the radar is as far as I can see, not modeled in the game and technically infinite.
Yes IRL the voice on the typhoon is an English woman, she sounds like an old character from downtown abbey, speaks very proper!
I’ve heard them all, her shouting ‘total hyd failure’ is a scary one!
My god it’s like Lizzy “God rest” her is in the cockpit with me, someone needs to sound mod this!
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It states the drawbacks of PD MAWS in an entire section, it is not an offhand sentence. Take the blinders off and find me a source that contradicts what was stated by that source. I’m not peddling misinformation, you are asking me to prove the sky is blue.
No need to insult people. If the rear receiver isn’t 180 degrees you would have a large blind spot on the back left and back right where it isn’t flush with the wings spanning a total of 60 degrees.
Maybe the rear radar is made up of smaller radars that electronically scan to the sides and behind to achieve 180 degrees. It would explain why it is so long, and maybe the wing roots use the same tech.
Oh you mean the other one?
If all the radars do say ±61°, that blindspot is less than 290 meters long. with ±62° its even less at 140ish meters.
Only if the radars do EXACTLY 60° you will have a maybe 10m wide blindspot