Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

This report suggests EFT already has a PD MAWS and should have other properties of that. Currently, we do not have PD MAWS in game. As per the answers posted earlier above in this topic: Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion - #3916

DASS functioning on IR detection rather than PD - Currently all MAWS operate via IR means. The functionality for PD / Radar sensor does not currently exist, but will be studied further in the future, and its possible it may come.

Once PD MAWS becomes available, then such reports will be possible to submit. But until PD MAWS functionality is implemented, reports wont be accepted on additional features of that, that are not part of the current MAWS functionality in game.


The MAWS on the Eurofighter is a wide-beam pulse doppler antenna. Is it not possible to simulate the reduced angular accuracy of the MAWS until such a time as they can properly model it? The aircraft only benefits from the decision otherwise, having all the advantages of passive MAWS with none of the disadvantages.

This is also extremely unfair for all the other aircraft that have PD based MAWS but are not yet simulated in the game.

The MAWS on the Eurofighter is a wide-beam pulse doppler antenna.

No it isn’t - stop making up complete hogwash. You haven’t the faintest clue what it does or doesn’t have.

Your posts in this otherwise informative thread have more or less boiled down to a torrent of:

‘Waaaah! The Typhoon cannot possibly do this, that, X or Y because I, MiG-23M - decree it cannot! If I don’t know how it works it must be impossible!’

The people who put these things together know more about aircraft that you do. That isn’t insulting, it isn’t denigrating - it’s just the facts of the matter.


There is no other way for the sensor to gain the required coverage and maintain reduced weight, complexity, and size.

We currently have one type of RWR in game. All aircraft are treated equally in that regard.

If you wish to report other aircraft missing an RWRs system, you are more than free to do so.

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I can bug report any aircraft with PD MAWS and they will be added as IR MAWS then?
You will not accept a report on the EFT’s MAWS having too much accuracy in regards to the missile angle of approach?

Then what type of a not phased array is the MAW radar antenne is?
A close up of one of the front antennes.

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Oh great - he’ll be hammering on Google for the next 20 minutes for his charts from 1960…

Maybe he has a pathological fear of delta-wings…he did go a bit weird when I brought up Concorde…


Isnt the MAWS on the Typhoon able to detect what the missile is and the time to impact but you are claiming it has too much accuracy interms of being to determine where the missile is coming from?

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Please read the post I made on this already.

The advantages of the PD based MAWS are time to target information through range gating, as well as distance. The angular accuracy due to the wide antenna beam (something it will suffer from regardless of whether or not it is a phased array due to limited TR modules count and wide instantaneous coverage area) will be very poor.


bro is getting angy XD Relax he is just getting more info for the devs, he is not demanding it


Ok, then let me just post this
This is an AESA radar. It is 47,5x27x16.5cm. It weights 18kg with bulletproof armour. It has 120x90 coverage.



Is this a PD AESA, too?

The AESA you linked looks like it is for an active protection system like TROPHY or IRON FIST and is part of a complex designed to detect fast moving incoming projectiles on short notice. They emit massive radar signatures by comparison and aren’t mounted on fast moving fighter jets which have size and weight constraints. It’s also very modern in comparison to the sensor suite designed in the 80s by GEC-MARCONI for the Eurofighter 2000.

Regardless, the TR count on the AESA you provided will be much much larger than that shown on the singular wide beam antenna.

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Im using it more as a proof that AESA does not need to be a HUGE system.
And once again, where is it said that EF has a singular wide beam antenna. All it ever said is


The AESA used on IRON FIST gives off massive emissions, it is much larger and heavier than the antenna shown above for the Eurofighter’s DASS. The weight is measured in grams.

The type of radar that can equip a tank and is used for hard kill active protection systems is one of the key technologies that was only possible recently due to modernization of electronics and in particularly the miniaturization of AESA antenna’s. This is not something GEC-MARCONI could have done in the 80’s.

The antenna shown for the MAWS is not AESA. The shape and design indicate it is a much simpler and as I said - the technology for comprehensive AESA based MAWS was only recently realized when Israel needed a hard kill protection system for the Merkava.

How is “accuracy” expressed? MAWS works on the principle of “see->turn on alarm/drop countermeasures”. I don’t remember the missile position being displayed on the HMD, which would mean high accuracy.

Tbh, please provide me with an radar, that has an antenne with that shape. Its shape is quite unique, and does not fit any “standard”

Yeah but even if the angular accuracy is poor how would that reflect in game?
Would that mean instead of being a beam on your maws it’s more like a general area?
If so how big of an area, some paper says aoa error using widebeam antennas can go up to 20 degrees (i honestly do not know if what i read is relevant it was just there), which is why i don’t know if gaijin would go the lenght to implement that and it wouldn’t be big nerf/difference in gameplay anyway.