Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

By all accounts, Blue vixen (which is basically the same radar in the Gripen as well) is just as good as the F-15s radar in some respects.

Only difference between As and Bs is something to do with Ground crews. No difference in performance as far as I am aware

Lemme whip out my Sea Harrier bible and quickly research haha

One cursory glance later I can only confirm 120B. that said if the F.3 AOP was completed before the FA.2s OSD, then in theory…?

Ah, okay, thats fair. Though in the absence of a Gen 4. A Gen 3 with “maybe” weapons I think isnt too unreasonable of a request. German Migs never used R-27Es for example.

For france , while not a fox 3, we could get the MICA IR on the Marocan Mirage F1: the Mirage F1-CH.

2 amazing FOX2 with 60km range (so less than AIM-120B/R-77/PL-12) but amazing maneuvrabbility and seeker.
Would help to maintain the balance.


Definetly a possiblity. Though might need some manual tuning as a long range IR weapon could be more powerful than a ARH due to no RWR pings

absolutely. that said with all due respect to any Mirage F1 fans the airframe is a heap of garbage in wt

Wait I just mulled it over,

There’s a F-16 with 9Ms, Helmet Cueing (so off boresight shooting), and the best kit short of AMRAAMs, how did we not get a DA.2 at least, which off the top of my head gets no 9Ms, no Helmet Cueing, and no BVR capability at all??? Sure, the radar is decent, but we can’t actually use it and I don’t even know how good ECR-90s were for the Development Typhoons. Oh, and to add to that, RB199s??? They’re hot garbage, at least on the Tornado, you get bugger all out of them in anything less than AB

I want to know what the justification is… this is just becoming ridiculous

We aren’t getting the DA2 because it’s a development aircraft that largely never fielded or tested a lot of stuff. No countermeasures etc

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there wont be DA eurofighters because gaijin refuses to add YaK-141 type of made up aircraft for GB

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Are you sure gaijin not consider Eurofighter Typhoon development aircraft (DA) from 3 countries (UK, Germany & Italy) ?

stop trying to equate the DA2 to the Yak-141, the yak-141 was a planned production aircraft planned to receive everything it has, the DA2 was a development aircraft and the production aircraft exist already with all they have.


But the point is though. Soviet DID NOT need a prototype vehicle. They had no hole, they had a competitive aircraft, they had everything they could possibly want and many other aircraft to call from. They did not need a prototype aircraft outfitted with “what it might have had in theory”

Britian on the other hand… What can they get. Not a lot. If we wait for a full production aircraft, we wont see the Tyhpoon till the latter half of 2025. A prototype variant, with certain limitations, which Gunjob above has a good post reasonably outlining what those limitations could be. Would be the perfect compromise to ensure we arent stuck with Gen 3s for the next year or 2.

But its not just Britain. Germany’s only remaining aircraft is the F4F ICE. Italy is probably only another F-16. After that… There really isnt much if anything left for top tier. So its either 3 nations get no aircraft for a year+ at top tier and are left with basically what they have now. Or we get a prototype Typhoon. Its that simple.

Its not Britain, Germany or Italy’s fault that their first domestically produced Gen 4 was so good that the US and Soviets will struggle against it. But that doesnt mean 3 nations have to be DOA for years.


The Typhoon isn’t even contemporary to their jets currently in game. Bruh
While the US had the F-16, F-15, F-18, F-14, the UK only had the Tornado F.3, isn’t it a bit of UK’s fault?

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cause not every nation is made of money

Well, that’s why subtrees are in game, to fill those gaps that a main nation’s vehicle can’t, SAAF gripen, CF-18, as examples.

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yeah ill rather a cf18 then a gimped typhoon


I mean I agree it wasn’t necessary but its also besides the point since the yak141 when first added had zero impact on the meta since it was a marginally worse MiG-29

yeah they didnt make a lot of stuff during this time period

according to who? I didn’t know saying the Typhoon is not soon meant a year and a half, gotta remember things change, and their definition of not soon could be very different from yours.

well unfortunately the DA2 lacked some key things to be competitive like countermeasures

This is why its important to think outside the box and also not to main a single nation.

UK has plenty of non well UK options, like the CF-18 or Aussie F-18
Italy is also in the same boat with the Spanish F-18
Germany doesn’t have a lot of options but with the swiss hunter I think you can guess where im going with this

everyman an F-18 I guess, will hold over these countries until the EF Typhoon, which I don’t think is as far away as you seem to believe, ofcourse that depends on the advancement of top tier tech going forward

anyways the a fake DA2 is not infact your only option, and while F-18s arent glorious british/german/italian creations, beggers can’t be choosers


sorry, no, we have the Sea Harrier FA.2 but lordy knows why that hasn’t been added?

Equally, we’re not exactly asking for the world when we ask for a viable aircraft in top tier. We waited for a Phantom Replacement for 3 years and in return we got a DOA Tornado, which is worse than the F-14A for the most part, and certainly much worse than any contemporary Top Tier Aircraft.

The Italians almost definitely can’t have a Hornet, we could and the Germans could too I suppose, but why??? there’s an american tree for that. I wouldn’t be so averse to having a Hornet if it weren’t for the fact all our homegrown aircraft got added too late to be even vaguely meta or still haven’t been added. Tornado is prime example, we still haven’t got 9L for our Phantoms, we haven’t got Sea Harrier FA.2, (which btw would be really nice with AMRAAM A right about now, wouldn’t be ludicrously OP is my reckoning), and lordy knows when we’re going to get half the cold war jets we could’ve/should’ve had.

I mean, too bad because it’s far too late (although a Supermarine Type 545 would be beautiful, or an F-111K mayhaps?) but people coming here saying “ohhhh but you shouldn’t have the Eurofighter cause it wasn’t intended to fire weapons”
Well no. But at this point, as we find more and more modern tech available, there is going to have to be an element of “well we might have to play with the facts a bit”

If you’re ultra-realists, that’s fine, you’re more than welcome to play DCS or have your opinion. But we’re talking about the sake of a techtree having a viable top tier fighter here. Britain has been lagging behind for some time, through no fault of our own (Tornado F.3 should’ve been here before the F-14? More capable aircraft should be coming later??) and now we have a gap between any upgrades for the Tornado, Typhoon F.2, and a Sea Harrier, none of which we are likely to get due to Gaijin’s intransigence. So, a DA.2 is very obviously the closest home grown aircraft there is. I see no reason why not to give it 4 9Ls or 9Ms and run with it.

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Oh happily.
Alternatively we could get the gimped Typhoon now so we don’t blow everyone else out of the water, and steadily buff it until it’s where it should be in terms of capability/potential. Kinda in the same way the J-8F (?) doesn’t have PL-12 at the minute but will probably get it when everyone else has ARH missile options

It’s not as if they haven’t gone full fictitous before. F-5C for one, and every AN/ALE-40 using aircraft should have a whole lot less countermeasures