Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

America could get AV8B+ for AMRAAM as well, France and Japan are the only outstanding problem

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good point. Japan would be a bit of a nightmare, since most of their trainers (that i’ve briefly glanced over) didn’t bother with AMRAAM usage. France’s Alpha Jet is very much in the same boat, and the lack of AMRAAM integration. I suppose an early variant of the MICA perhaps? I’d really need someone with a bit more knowledge for the french. perhaps a Mirage F1 carried one?

The F-16A-15ADF or F-14D( or all variants if you include test airframes) could also receive them as well and be a reason to raise their BR.

Also further there is the A-6F or -6G as well if we include prototypes.

Neither really has a great solution, but the MICA-RF / AAM-4 (basic) are probably the closest missiles respectively. Though they would both require fighters as carriage airframes so that could be useful as they are somewhat underdone as nations and someone has to take the lead in the meta.

I think the point was to give AMRAAM (fox 3) to lower performance platforms. Whilst keeping the higher performance platforms like the F16 with SARH. This way you’d create balance through assymtry of distribution.

If we are giving AMRAAM to F16s and F15s then let’s just get a typhoon and be over with it


My point is you wouldn’t want F-16As and F-14s zipping around with AMRAAMs

If we got that then of course we’d just not bother with anything else and slap a buff on the Tornado F.3, giving it C-5 AMRAAMs and AOP upgrade, or better still (a route that requires some effort of course, so dont expect gaijin to do it) hand out a typhoon to everyone, so at least they can respond in kind

If on the other hand, you gave AMRAAMs to platforms that can’t hit mach 1 million, such as the Hawk 200, then you can a) introduce a unique and interesting airframe that wouldn’t otherwise really fit in the game at this point, and b) give some variety of gameplay. it wouldnt be such a clusterwhatsit like it is now when your American F-16 is forced defensive by some Sea Harrier tossing AMRAAMs at him instead of F-16s, MiG-29s and F-14s tossing thousands of Sparrows and R-27ERs onto the enemy team with no real reprecussions.


Germany is getting what will be the best mig29 in the game though.

Yeah, but it cant carry ARH. Their ARH carrier will be a F4F ICE, so probably will fair worse than the Sea Harrier will.

yea “best” mig29 it loses a bit of weight but has other problems not as much ground ordinance and a worsee radar

Still has the SPO-15 as well if I recall.

yes i just looked at it

I will take a mig29 with R-73s and R-27Es over a sea harrier with AMRAAMs any day of the week tbh. The first AMRAAMs are basically just 7Ms with their own active homing radar afaik. I suspect they won’t be the game-changer everyone is anticipating.

Which is why im hoping we’ll get C5s on the Sea Harrier. Give it a clear a distinct edge over other BVR weapons. Combined with the blue vixen.

But yeah, its Britain. We wont ever be competitive. Even when we get Typhoon, Im guessing we’ll be facing late F-15s or even early Gen 5s

The radar is still decent and is carried by how strong the 27ERs are.
The mig-29 also isn’t really intended for ground pounding.

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At the very least B variant AMRAAMs would give it a fighting chance. especially given the speeds we’re likely to be launching them at.

in RB honestly it performs very well. Sim might be a different bag with the awful RWR and not great Radar set but honestly I think it’ll be fine

which is weird for me to be saying this given I said Germany was having a hard time but here we are xD

If, we assume everything is getting AMRAAM, and that would include the F-16s and Maybe F-15s that I suspect are coming this dec. Then they could create balance by giving the F-16s Aim-120Bs and then giving low performance aircraft like the Sea Harrier FA2 and Maybe Tornado F3 Aim-120C4/5s give them an AAM advantage where they lack in aircraft performance.

In an ideal world, what i’d do is not give any Gen 4 fox 3 for at least a little while. Limit Fox 3 to only Gen 3 airframes like F4F, Sea Harrier, AV-8B+, etc. So that its then SARH vs ARH which would be a degree of balance. Then when you add ARH Gen 4s like a late F-15… then you just add Typhoon. Keeps the balance

As far as I know the Sea Harrier only used the AIM-120B

Im going by the Sea harrier thread as my pool of knowledge for it:

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I suspect you may be right, although I’m hoping we don’t see an F-15 with its “Anything but stealth” killing radar for quite some time. Not that that’ll happen, but you know.

Give 16As their 120As at best, and give everyone’s subsonics 120Bs. Not only is that more accurate historically, it at least gives us some chance/possibility of outsticking someone in return

I should have added C5 is a guess based on what was available in UK inventory, I’ll amend that.

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