Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

@Gunjob Do you know if there’s any word on if PIRATE will be usable in the cockpit from the MFD screens? IRL it could be used like the F-14B TISEO/TCS system for target ID.

I don’t know if there’s been a report for it but there’s two separate reports that combined would solve this.
Eurofighter - Missing PIRATE output MFD screen
Eurofighter - PIRATE’s camera needs to track the target.

Also is there any chance you can pass on this report about the EEGS not working in the cockpit HUD.
Eurofighter missing EEGS in Cockpit Sight / Head Up Display
There was another report about this however it seems to have died on Info Requested.

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here is another bug report on the eegs

Even in real matches against real people it still loses track very fast also locks onto ghost targets sometimes but idk if its final destination for blue vixen

I now as a rule of thumb launch on what the Red lock is on and not what the TWS box is doing.
It’s a crap work around but least you can get some missiles off before you have to defend.

I also think we are on dangerous ground regarding Radar capabilities.
No one wants “Notching/Beaming” to no longer be a viable tactic to defeat missiles.

AESA we have in game should be immune to notching when the missile is guided by DL.

Is there any report on the AoA limiter of the EF2000?

No nothing has been made yet. It should have an override though as they have Manual Pitch Override which is what the F-16 has.

I’m not sure if it’s the same but there’s also an override on the stick which would give the Typhoon’s more pitch authority in emergencies.

The problem with these is that any written sources for these aren’t publicly available and all we have is pilot statements which often aren’t used as evidence:

This was in response to a French Rafale pilot talking about an AoA override switch that is used for recovering from flatspins. So unless anyone can find any written evidence that is available to the public and fully declassified then likely we won’t see it added.

This is the report for the Rafale AoA override which has since been accepted however we will just have to wait and see if it is implemented or not. But being accepted is a good sign so far instead of it being immediately disregarded so if anyone can find a video of a Typhoon pilot that mentions an AoA override, Manual Pitch Override, or Emergency Pitch Authority Override then post it here or make a bug report using it.


I really doubt you will turn up anything, the only override I know of on typhoon is the Emergency G load one. FCS should keep the AOA in check but I don’t think there is a way of disengaging the AOA controls at any point in flight.

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@Gunjob On the dev server, A(P)ESA is implemented as a all time update of the entire radar scope,
Are there any plans to implement the specifications of the A(P)ESA currently used on the live server as data-adaptive scanning for the EF2000? trying to implement it in the game as a completely new mechanism?

Nothing I can comment on at this point in time apologies.


Bit of Sensor Fusion for those who haven’t seen it in action yet.

Spot the R-27ET fired from below, I didn’t see that at all, the MAW did, the RWR confirmed it was IR and the MAW flared it for me.

All while I have only chaff selected and I’m busy using periodic release chaff.


Sensor Fusion will be very interesting for SB, but for RB too
but I wonder, since RWR and MAW work together, does this means it also closed the area which isnt covered by the MAW itself for Radar stuff?

I saw that in latest dev server .25 they added a line of code to basically most maw that says “targetClosureRateMin”: 200.0 does this make the maw flare immune?

It should be yes, I believe there was a bug with the new MAW for still picking up flares but I was told that will be fixed.

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I need to submit a suggestion to allow for individual customization of flare or chaff periodic/MAW im not a fan of some of the modes available.

Im also excuted for no more flare alerte, cuz atm i just run without MAWS to prevent waste of CM’s

Is there a way to increase chances of my bug report getting to devs?

Even as a 27ET enjoyer, it’s pretty nice to see how modern systems can defeat those types of missiles on their own, with zero user interaction.

I assume the Sensor Fusion test showed good results?
because its spreading (was part of todays dev update to .25)

At long last, the GR7 is getting it as well

cant say i’m a fan of TWS+ at the moment… feels like it performs worse than the current Live TWS

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Yeah at the moment sensor fusion in WT means that instead of the maw automatically doing chaff/flare release the maw just identifies missiles, and the defense suite actually activates flares/chaff as needed directed by the maw and rwr.