Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

In that case it says from 200 knots to supersonic in 30 seconds, not brakes off to supersonic in 30 seconds… so we were both wrong there.

Statshark seems to imply the performance is slightly below 20 deg/s in full fuel configuration and above 22 deg/s on min if I recall what someone else had posted earlier. I have not reviewed the sustained turns in-game but based on that data I had made the assumption that it was good to go.

Still, it considerably overperforms in other areas in ways that make it essentially a UFO - totally exceeding angle of attack limits that would cause departure and total flow separation (no attached airflow over the top of the wing).

One part says 200kts to supersonic, other official sources in that same post claim brakes off to supersonic. As flame pointed out the brakes off to supersonic claim was used in presentations too.

I had a look at the more recent bug report Community Bug Reporting System

It was rejected outright and the mod claimed that the current performance matches ESR-D, which we know from an earlier post in here that the prototype aircraft with Tornado engines exceeded. So it’s clearly significantly lower than it should be.

I agree though the instantaneous turn/AoA is a bit mental at the moment. Rafale should be beating EFT in instantaneous and EFT should be winning in sustained rate.


As I said in the comment he linked you to the Eurofighter website says 200 kts to Mach 1.0 in 30 seconds, while the BAE Systems datasheet implies Brakes off to Mach 1.0 in 30 seconds, and Eurofighter also claim brakes off to Mach 1 in under 30 seconds in some marketing material.

I would speculate that 200 kts to Mach 1.0 in 30 seconds is for a fully loaded aircraft (missiles and maybe tanks), while Brakes off to Mach 1.0 in 30 seconds is clean.

Or alternatively the website was just understating the true performance.


I understand that in your opinion the vortex generator and slats perform a purely decorative function, yes?
I wonder, is there something in the Typhoon that in YOUR opinion works correctly and you do not seek to belittle/nerf it?

Over the last few days you have challenged:
Towed Decoy
Dynamic Characteristics
Turn performance

I’m sure you think the radar is working properly? Well, it just works like crap, so I guess everything is fine, right? Some kind of deja vu. Something similar happened a year ago.


“the vortex generator and slats perform a purely decorative function”

Did he seriously say that? Bloody hell.

When it comes to this subject I genuinely think he’s lacking the self-awareness or discernment to know what he’s coming out with. In which case my postings about him probably come across as incredibly insensitive; for I did not know he was so afflicted.

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He doesn’t care.


Haha, why waste time to pay attention to him? Because it’s rare that Gaijin didn’t make Typhoon into the second Tornado “flying board brick”, so he had to make public opinion to make it worse.


If you made a post about growing grass, he’d post a reply with a customer testimonial from a grass growing manual that somehow proves his point that NATO grass is overperforming.


Just one understanding that he’s spending days on the poor pages, just to make some plane in this game less good, and to make other people angry, makes a good picture of his personality tbh

It’s wider problem than just the flogman.

Majority of people on this forum aren’t objective enough to have constructive discussions about how their plane, tank or ship performs. At the end of the day, it’s a game and games are meant to be fun over being realistic.

Does the Typhoon have some quirks in terms of FM accuracy? Absolutely. Find me a plane that doesn’t.

Radar is still a hate crime finally used it in mixed RB and it couldn’t see the F-15 12km in front of me.
No I launched my AMRAAMs at nothing. Sadly the 1980s F-15 Radar had no problems finding and killing me in TWS.

Is this an intentional balancing tool to lower the power of the Typhoon? Every time I have depended on this Radar it has let me down.

You haven’t heard of the F-15SE?


It’s currently a Blue Vixen radar set with bugs. Gaijin knows it should be better, but do not know by how much due to the lack of valid data available. There are reports out on it but due to holidays, who knows when they will be fixed.

Right now you cannot depend on the Radar unless you are hard locked. In Air BR with a full team you can spam 120s and they will likely find the mark. In one v one scenarios the Radar lets you down

I would honestly as a work around take the Gripens Radar until they figure this crap out.

I don’t follow?

F-15 tech demonstrater, made to be stealthier (hence only detecting it at 12km out)

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Ha ha sorry that was wasted on me! Could be a B-52 and the Typhoon Radar would still be trying to lock the ghosts from the aether!

Take the 5 out, and that’s what the CAPTOR-M is seeing

I usually don’t have many issues with DLing AMRAAMs onto their targets as I am not trying to maintain a softlock on one target. If the enemies are retarded, they’ll eat a missile for their troubles.

It’s the ACM locks and acquiring hard locks that I struggle with as well like you said.

For some fucking reason, if it’s a missile or chaff the radar would prefer to lock onto that as opposed to the moving 10 T+ plane being very non mindful towards me.

But aren’t Blue Vixen, PS-05 and Captor the same thing in game right now?