Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Mig 35 fulcrum


but in game, aren’t Gaijin all ignoring the issue of engine failure?

if gaijin cared about reliability that would probably hurt the soviet performance so they just dont

Yet it is outperformed by an F-16 that is heavier than any model we have in-game. You see my point? We already have the maneuverable and high sustained turn rate F-16’s. The Eurofighter will fit in quite well, and we must also consider how badly the F-16 is overperforming currently as well… because Gaijin thinks it’s “not a bug”.

Its worth thinking about what other nations are getting within the next 6 months to a year. Im fully expecting 12.7s like the F-15 and soviet equivlanet to arrive this Dec. It is those that Im most concerned about in the short term and those are the ones that are likely going to be what the Typhoon is needed to counter early to mid next year.

Well, I am already discussing why the F-15 will be nothing but a side-grade in performance to the F-14/16 and not really an improvement unless they give it unique armament like AMRAAM… even then F-16C-50 can already get that.

We can talk about that over there.

The Eurofighter doesn’t offer much in terms of performance, it should be added before F-15.

Yep… and yet the general consensus I got from the R&R Thread is that we shouldnt see EFT until the second or third variant of the F-15 was added with a few expecting EFT end of 2024 and F-15s this Dec. Which just seems nuts too me

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I really do think it’s the overhype of the community when discussing the Eurofighter as this amazing aircraft that is fully capable of performing in modern day (it isn’t). It arrived too late IRL, it will likely arrive too late in-game too.

All British vehicles arrive too late. That is just a fact for Britain mains these days and has been for a few years.


Which is unfortunate. The British tech tree I’ve avoided grinding because I find there is little worth grinding. Especially if I can get a MiG-29G and a Typhoon in the same tech tree with Germany for example… or an F-16ADF and a Eurofighter in Italy… as they keep saying with the French stuff lately “There’s nothing we can do”.

Yeah… And whilst to a certain degree, that is a fact of life for top tier with little solution, they could absolutely pad the tree, especially BR9-11 with some exceptionally cool and interseting stuff, but they wont even do that. This results in a cycle of: “unpopular tree so they add little to it, because little is added to it is unpopular”

Though there are those calling for Indian Mig-29s to be added to the British TT, but that would really really suck in my opinion and I know i’d never touch it.

The “Subsonic Brick” that regularly beat Tonka F3s in DACT.

The subsonic brick had a bigger stick that could take out a threat…before it became an issue.

Yeah, In game it will perform the same role as the F3, but will have the better radar and actually have a slim chance if something gets on its tail, something the F3 cant do

In SB, the better cockpit visiblity, better radar search modes and some A2G ordanace is going to be awesome. Not too mention Carrier Landings are always good fun in a VTOL

So it’s less of a brick than the tornado, fantastic, but is still a brick.
Don’t get me wrong, I still want to see it in game, but you can’t say it’s going to be meta, which is what we’re looking for right?

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There are no “meta” options before Typhoon, unless we start adding random C&Ps from other nations. Even then, no guarantee they’d not be gimped in some major way. The best we can hope for is “usable” FA2 might just about be that. Would certainly hold us over till Typhoon hopefully ASAP

Debatable, we dont know when the Typhoon is coming. How will it perform against F-15s? Flankers? Gripens? It will be yet another mediocre aircraft, in that case I would happily take a C&P from another nation.

Close enough to an F-16, with a much better radar, better 1 circle performance. And colossally better sensors and self defence.

By the fact we’ve not gotten it already and its already been denied for “anytime soon” which means I highly doubt Decemeber. Thats either massive trolling from the Smin or they reckon it actually will be strong. Maybe stronger than those aircraft. But yeah, we’ll have to wait and see. Though there is nothing wrong with being the underdog, heck, if you dont want to be underdog, dont play Britian, i dont think we’ve had anything competetive in years. But we dont need that, we just need something that can manage, even with a challenge. Tornado F3 vs F-16C is just a DOA fight. But EFT vs F-15, even if the the F-15 is better. The EFT isnt going to be isntantly DOA

Sorry, I meant ‘how is the FA.2 going to perform against those aircraft.’ We are much closer to a F-15/SU-27 introduction than to a Typhoon introduction, those will come first if Gaijin only wants to add production Typhoons, only having the FA.2 by that time is going to be rough. We are already the underdog, the F.3 is usable and can get some kills, and everyone is complaining, if the FA.2 is going to be basically the same with some caviats how is it solving anything?

Absolutely nothing to do with either being a brick.
Manoeuvrability only comes into play if you enter WVR combat.

AMRAAM allowed the Shar FA.2 to engage, and kill (simulated) F3s before they got in range.

Point being, it doesn’t matter if it’s a brick, if the weapon allows it to engage hostile aircraft before they become a threat.

Harriers will never be meta, but the FA2 will still be a good opponent when it can engage the enemy from range.