No. It has BOL permanently installed in the outer missile pylons instead
I am quoting the British Defense Research Agency, very very little of that post is my own opinion. Please read. I have not stated that I am an Abrams loader.
They didnt fix this yet
This is very much opinionated everything you say mostly is
I like you flag every time i speak to you
Oh christ, well, there goes my plans of an EF2000 sim day… fingers crossed it’s not like the Tornado’s where it took a year to get fixed :')
Attention, tea loving brethren:
I need your help real quick. They massively buffed Pirate detection ranges (don’t know if it is as strong as it should be, but a buff nonetheless).
There (potentially) is an old bug still remaining.
So I ask those who can to do the following:
Get into a test flight (day, zero clouds). Lock the lowest MiG-15 directly from the back and check if it can maintain lock further that 30 km (make sure the MiG-15 has its engines looking directly at your).
If you already have it unlocked, please go into a match, take off but stay slow, and lock teammates from behind and wait for them to get past 30 km and see if the lock remains (teammates will be really hot with afterburners from behind). If it breaks lock, try couple more teammates more than 30 km away. Make sure the map is not cloudy.
Tell me if the IRST can maintain lock past 30 km. If not, pls send a video of that, I want to report it as early as possible.
Why is there no other camos for the Eurofighters?
The Mk.18s have the wrong model, but are meant to basically be the Mk.13 Paveway II, but with a Mk.18 bomb body. really annoying they didn’t just give it enhanced Paveway II though.
Good to hear its been buffed, if its not been done by the time i finish work in 6 hours ill do it.
So after abit of test flying… now maybe it’s because they’re slow moving Mig-15s, but is anyone else finding the track while scan barely works - its seem to be incredibly easy to notch out of TWS, and the radar just seems to be forgetting what its looking at, so I’m struggling to get a kill with the aim-120s at even 15-20km
The Gripen C doesnt seem to be struggling with this at all
One one hand, I am happy they did so. On the other hand, I am bitter that the Su-27 has been here for a year now, yet its IRST is still nowhere near what it should be. I was really looking forward to sneaking around and picking off targets with 27ETs, yet instead we got a copy-paste IRST of the 29 on release, with constant updates that would fix a bug and introduce another.
Maybe the EFT and Rafale getting added will finally be enough for them to notice and fix bugs with it, but by this time the window for the prime of that kind of gameplay is kind of gone.
But hey, this is finally a reason for me to go past tier 5 in UK.
Wow, nice rushed patch, still WIP
Eurofighter spaded with two aim9 still doesnt accelerate in a 90° climb… TWR is >1,1 in interceptor loadout…
worst patch in the last two years
I can do cartwheels like a cartoon, launch AIM-9M or AIM-120 mid dogfight, and recover without any signs of departure
Yeah the radar feels a bit disappointing, don’t know what they changed since the dev server but the Foxhunter is definitely better still in TWS scan rate and volume.
had the same issue too, even on the smaller and faster scan it would drop/forget targets super easily even in a head-on ~25km out
I made this bug report agian bc it seems like it isnt getting noticed.
If you want to read more about the EJ200 and why its designed how it is, you can read about that here:$MP-008-02.pdf
Additionally: I remeber you saying (maybe in the other EF thread), that the Convergent-Divergent-Nozzle wasn’t optimal for supercruise/supersonic. In contrast to that, the source (and everything else I found about that) states that this C-D-Nozzle was chosen because of its supersonic capability in enhancing the endurance by 25% and reducing the tail air drag of the EF opposed to other nozzle designs.
I think it’s because they’re slow moving mig15. I had the same issue while testing the Rafale in the test drive. The TWS struggle to keep them updated, and Rafale’s scan rate is easily two time faster than the EFT.
IIRC the test drive Mig15 keep a constant speed of 500km/h.
How is the radar? Is it fixed… is it quick like it is everywhere written when talked about its scan speed? Or its just LAZY copy paste of blue vixen.
This looks a lot like a copypasta of the Gripen radar. Let’s play a game? I’ll send you 2 gifs of the radar in action, and you’ll guess which is Typhoon and which is Gripen?