Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

so much to that then welp, at least someone explained the difrerence between A and B easily to me at this point then

Yeah, Only B is VTOL. So Britian is fine in that department

Just that britain got fucked over the price since they got forced to buy the new f35b engine that is a good bit more expensive

Yeah, thats with the friends and family discount we got from sharing Harrier data

Where did he say that? No doubt in my mind US & RU get the F-15 and SU-27 and continue to be OP for a year and we’ll be stuck being outclassed again until the Eurofighter has been surpassed in ability. God forbid anyone but US & RU is on top anymore


Typhoon next year will be in-line with the additions we’re getting this year.
It’ll be neat.

Only if they come with those additions and not a year+ later like we are currently facing with Tornado F3 vs F-16C/Mig-29SMT.

Thats my primary concern in all this. That we only get a restricted prototype typhoon. 6 months to a year after we’ve been fighting Late F-15s/F-18s in Tornado F3s with AMRAAM or Sea Harrier FA2s. Typhoon NEEDS to come either with or maybe even for a change, the update before those aircraft. Not the opposite end of the year as we have seen time and time again over the past few years for Britain

Early F-15Cs are worse than Typhoon, same with early F-18s.
People over-estimate how powerful F-18 is over say F-4F ICE.

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Im expecting F-15C this year, F-15 with AMRAAM by mid next year. That would mean Typhoon mid next year, not end of next year

F-15C with AMRAAM doesn’t mean it’s on-par, it has to be the APG-63V1 AMRAAM carrying F-15, AKA 2000s.

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Who said that isnt exactly what we are getting anytime between now and mid next year? This is US and USSR we are talking about. They are usually 6 months+ ahead of other nations in terms of air performance. I could easily see 13s akin to them coming very very soon. At which point Typhoon. Easy. and even if Typhoon was 13.3. Absolutely no reason why Typhoon at 13.3 couldnt come whilst others are on 13

What I don’t grasp is how they’re (supposedly) comfortable with Gripen being added, but are uncomfortable with Typhoon being added. They’re pretty comparable, and arguably Britain deserves it more.

No, they’re not. The Gripen is pretty bad tbh.

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Tell yourself whatever you need to.

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I’m not telling myself anything, look at the publicly available information on either. The Gripen just simply isn’t on the same level as the Eurofighter. It’s lumped into “Euro Canard” but fails to perform on par with its’ peers.

I’d agree, Gripen isn’t bad in fact i’d say it’s actually quite good but as much as that interview with a Gripen pilot is biased, some of the aerodynamic points whilst exaggerated do still stand. However that doesn’t put it on the level of the Typhoon. It’s not even a light vs medium fighter argument, it’s a matter of the Eurofighter doing everything the Gripen does but better. This is in war thunder terms of course.

That said a full br difference between a current F-16C with some AMRAAM’s and a limited (but not gimped) Typhoon imo would be pretty balanced.

I have no idea what interview you’re talking about. It’s a light airframe with an F/A-18 engine that still doesn’t yield the same T/W as larger twin engine fighters. Further, it’s unable to carry nearly as much ordnance or equipment as there simply isn’t space. It relies on pods which further reduce the amount it can carry.

It’s possible that with just short range IR missiles it will retain some semblance of dogfight performance as long as it has altitude, but that’s not going to end well for it in War Thunder. Delta Canard fighters just don’t have the same turning capabilities as other aircraft especially stuff such as the F-16 / MiG-29. Perhaps against fatter, later models of the F-16 and MiG-29 they will perform better… but the combination of high alpha and losing all your speed whilst also not having good thrust to weight or ordnance is a bad one for the in-game meta.

It’s true. Typhoon has a superior airframe & engines, 4 more maximum weapon mounts, and superior minimum viable loadout.

Not sure if this has been formatted as badly as my laptop is currently showing it.

This one: its very obviously biased though and certainly exaggerated: Former Swedish Air Force Flight Engineer explains how the Saab Gripen can Dogfight and Win Against (Almost) Any Dissimilar Aircraft - The Aviation Geek Club

I agree, I am surprised by their continued use of the GE F404 engine over that of the F110.

I was under the impression (and it seems many others are) that the Rafale/Typhoon both outperform either aircraft in terms of dogfight performance, perhaps I am wrong. Unless you are specifically referencing the Gripen, in which case i’d agree. My guess is it will perform like a better Mig-21Bis but with better energy retention in the transonic range due to the close-coupled canards.

I agree, I wonder if the radar will be better than something like the Mig-29 and F-16C in-game.

Overall I don’t think we disagree with eachother