Eurofighter Typhoon (Germany) Dev Thread

Strange question: what would they be for in game currently? 200km+ pillbox sniping?

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imagine a stealth Grom-1 with 300km range, twice the warhead and terminal IR guidance

together with a Mark GPS targets on the map Mechanic this can mean Base bombing from your Airfield or Pantsir Sniping from the edge of the map

In fact, I still think the cruise missile in the game is nothing more than a powered, glide-equipped, GPS+IRTV guided charge. These things already exist in the game (mind you, they already exist) like Grom1 and the upcoming AASM (correct me if I’m wrong).

it is yes

and I’m expecting Gaijin to just develop one for each nation and add them together for balance

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Is it just me or can the TWS GMTI mode not pick up SPAA? It finds boats and tanks just fine, but never finds any of the SPAA targets in test drive

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it finds only moving targets because it’s an MTI mode

the SPAAs in test flight and Air RB are stationary

Does it maybe have to do with the SPAAs not moving. As far as I know, GMTI should only pick up moving ground targets


Okay! Well that sure does sound strong. WAY too strong IMO.

EFT getting its supercruise gimped. Gaijin thinks the manufacturers are liars.


well, just like with the Stingers they just cannot grasp the true power of the Technology we keep asecret


Yes, they always rely too much on their perception of the world rather than on what is actually happening. In other words, maybe they really thought they knew the plane better than the manufacturer and the wind tunnel testers and the test pilots


and don’t forget the regular pilots

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cant wait to see someone to leak another secret document lol

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Ah alright, that explains it. Thanks

“unrealistic thrust”

Also known as “The Kraut space magic going on at EuroJet”


Kraut spaghetti and Tea magic!


The EJ200 made by Rolls-Royce is truly amazing and I commend it from the heart

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“Weird european engine voodoo”

“They are doing some serious thrusting at EuroJet”


I know right!? Thr EJ200 is insane. Thats why Turkiye wants it for the KAAN if I am not mistaken


Didnt the fastest land vehicle also use a EJ200? The bloodhound or whatever it was called