Eurofighter Typhoon DA7

As I’m denser than a brick, was this a real leak or no?

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I see, maybe someone should send a E-Mail or something to a responisble agency or something? FOIA is fine like gunjob said, but if a docuemnt still has “restricted” without any “declassifed” text it should not be shared.


honestly, the russian government should start hiring the leakers they get more classified info than the KGB


apparently it is NATO restricted but… freely available online
this be literally him:


Availability online is not proof of declassification, and there are only some ~7 pages in that document that have been marked declassified, the other 700+ have not been. I suspect what’s happened is someone has FOIA the document in the past, then IAF accidently uploaded the whole document rather than the pages they marked as declassified.


no disagreement there.
quite the silly stunt they pulled releasing the whole thing. AFAIK, its only the cover page and the index pages that are NATO unclassified other than that they are all restricted and probably illegal to hold. Im glad NATO dosent chase down these holders tho.

someone checked with the UK MOD in February and they said they didn’t have the manual so couldn’t comment on it, and it was up to Eurofighter/IAF to confirm if it should be available, I’d be surprised if neither of those had found out about the manual since

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Жду от лучшей разведки мира документы о ттх снаряда танка абрамс. Хотя от про еврофайтер я еще давно гуглил и видел тоже самое


Mistakes can happen to anyone

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It was a NATO Restricted Document, not classified + it was a pdf available to the public, on Google.

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it really is a joy to return back to the forums every now and again when something…fun crops up

at the very least, we can take solace in the fact that the leaker did so unawares of the entire state of the document. No malicious intent, as is usually the case when you’re running a public suggestion system that works with primary sources

I wonder what the consequences will be for the DA7’s future game model. Hopefully the accuracy will be unaffected despite them having to avoid this incident.


That’s probably the likeliest scenario.
The website this was sold on likely never claimed the manual was export restricted, or had export restricted sections.

its not classified information, you can purchase it online for the low low cost of 10USD

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Buying it online is not proof of declassicifcation. Also please do not link to it.



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Oh no… not again

Never expected it to happen twice

And or download it for free on some random forum google shows you