Eurofighter Typhoon DA7

It was a NATO Restricted Document, not classified + it was a pdf available to the public, on Google.

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it really is a joy to return back to the forums every now and again when something…fun crops up

at the very least, we can take solace in the fact that the leaker did so unawares of the entire state of the document. No malicious intent, as is usually the case when you’re running a public suggestion system that works with primary sources

I wonder what the consequences will be for the DA7’s future game model. Hopefully the accuracy will be unaffected despite them having to avoid this incident.


That’s probably the likeliest scenario.
The website this was sold on likely never claimed the manual was export restricted, or had export restricted sections.

its not classified information, you can purchase it online for the low low cost of 10USD

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Buying it online is not proof of declassicifcation. Also please do not link to it.



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Oh no… not again

Never expected it to happen twice

And or download it for free on some random forum google shows you

LMAO , what leakers ? Those manuals have been online for ages , if NATO relied on them not being seen by public eyes then they have serious security issues . You really think that FSB has not had access to those already ? You are a comedian 🤣.


I do not see a point in adding this aircraft.
It is just the same as a Tranche 1 Eurofighter minus some DASS characteristics that I dont know everything about(definitely is lacking the rear MWS antenna but might be missing the WHOLE DASS package as the wingtip containers are different aka no RWR, Countermeasures, MWS) in which case its just garbage and unusable in game.
from this picture for example you can see that it is at least missing the right inner flare dispenser

from these pictures you can see that the outer flare/chaff dispensers are plugged and are thus non functional
I dont think i need to explain why you wouldn’t want to fly with only 16 flares at like 13.0 or wherever this might end up.

here you can see that it doesnt have the TDs(integral part of DASS)

that seethrough windows on the inwards facing side of the wing tip ESM containers seem to indicate that they’re filled with camera/measurement equipment instead of… well… DASS stuff
this seems to be the reality for all development aircraft. all of them lack the outer countermeasure dispensers, most lack all of the inner flare dispensers, only one had proper ESM equipment…

no. should not be added.

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Well no It’s not like You Say a “normal Tranche 1” since this One can Carry the biggest part of the weapons of a Tranche 3 (and other weapons that never entered in service) since It was the main platform for the developing and integration of the weapons. It see that You don’t even read the suggestion. Then I Imagine that since they were the less advanced (even If this Is not the case) the DA Eurofighter Will be the First EFA to’ be added to’ the game for the Nations that used them.


It was retired in 2007.
It had a radar and PIRATE.
It fired AMRAAMs, AIM-9Ls and IRIS-Ts.
It gets 16 flares, no RWR and no MWS.
did you look at the pictures?

This only shows that the DA7 had the PIRATE. The DASS excerpt does not mention the DA7 anywhere and is just a general description of what the DASS does.

I’ve shown you the pictures of this aircraft lacking its rear MWS sensor, having different wing tip pods with entirely different equipment, and being only fitted with one flare dispenser.

Does it get good weapons, radar and flight performance? Yes.
However with only 16 flares and no additional defensive aids it would not be a wise idea to introduce this aircraft.

Let’s start with this photo that tell a different story

And also here I see Meteor, ASRAAM and Storm Shadow

If You don’t even look at the pictures Is not my fault


these aren’t proof of them being on the DA7. most of the weapons shown in the first picture aren’t even integrated on production eurofighters. Second picture shows the german DA1, not the italian DA7.
Mounting something to an aircraft does in no way, shape or form equal integration. Especially not on the Eurofighter as it needs modifications to its Flight Control System to fly with these stores due to its inherent instability.

Btw here I clearly see Italian roundel and development aircraft roundel , also this aircraft was the main development unit for weapons it was also trialed with weapons that at the end were never integrated on the production units (and also “there are no proofs” the book is the proof, if You refuse to believe it, it is not my problem). also can You send Your “proofs” that tell that this is not the DA7?
Then if You are not even able to read that the DA1 is the on on the top and the other under it is the DA7 (with top the book mean top of the page were You can see the german one vertically, and above the comment You can see DA7 with asraam, Meteor and Storm shadow), if You want more here


you seem to believe that dummy missiles mounted to the pylons of an aircraft equals integration.
that is simply not the case.
but you do you

Again I could ask You proofs that tell they are “dummy” or they “were never integrated” but it would be useless since You don’t have any.
I will end this discussion here since it’s inconclusive
Have a nice day

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Would be cool to have to fill up top tier when the time comes.