Error 81110013 after Hornets sting Update

Hello my fellow soldiers!
I have the problem that WarThunder doesn’t log into my account. I get constantly the message “Error 81110013 Error loading the player profile”. How is this fixed? I want to get my daily reward. My streak has been about 600 days and I want to continue it so pls send help fast
Your Yuri DDLC

PS: I use WarThunder over Steam but i tried launching through the launcher as well and my OS is Linux Mint XFCE

Maybe verify your files and try again,
But Usually such an Error comes from an Overloaded Server

how do i verify? i never did it before

When you Launch Via Launcher (not steam) you can go there in the settings and theres also a buttom to check your files
See here:
Edit: this way would also be possible

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my Wart Hunder works again even without checking the files! Thanks mate! was probably a server error