ENAER A-36 Toquí - The Chilean light attack aircraft

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ENAER A-36 Toquí



The operational life of the A-36 (C-101 Aviojet) begins in 1982 when the training version called T-36BB Halcón is used. Subsequently, in 1984, a co-production agreement was signed between the companies CASA (Spanish) and Enaer (Chilean) which allowed Enaer to obtain the license for the development and assembly of said aircraft. In Chile, the C-101BB Halcón version was assembled, which had a more powerful engine with 3,700 pounds of thrust. Subsequently, the Chilean Air Force asked the company for an improved version of the aircraft, which resulted in the A-36CC Halcón with a new 4,300-pound-thrust Garrett TFE731-5-1J powerplant. This version can perform ground attack missions, reconnaissance, escort, armed training, etc, they were also provided with British Aerospace Sea Eagle anti-ship missiles, being successfully tested, but since the Navy integrated helicopters with Exocet missiles, it was decided to maintain the helicopters armament to avoid duplication of services.

Sea Eagle anti-ship missiles

The birth of the Chilean Toquí

In the mid-90s in Chile, the new modernization of the A-36 Halcón began, which consisted of 4 important improvements, being the implementation of HOTAS for the pilot, integration of a navigation system and a SAGEM brand attack system, for planning of flight missions and weapons handling, and the adoption of the Ferranti brand HUD for the presentation of data on the Head-Up Display, together with these new capabilities at the avionics level, integrated within its possibilities the Israeli Shafrir II air-to-air missile firing. All these works resulted in the A-36 Toqui (Halcón II), a unique model in the world, being officially presented at the ENAER premises on November 26, 1997. They were finally decommissioned in 2022 with 40 years of service, being a icon in the Chilean Aviation since it was one of the few models that were produced and totally improved in Chile.


  • Crew:
    • 2
  • Armament:
    • Primary: 1x DEFA 553 30 mm cannon and 130 shots in a gondola located in the ventral part of the aircraft
    • Secondary: Warload - 2250 kg in 6 hardpoints:
      • Bombs: 500-kg bombs, 375-kg bombs, 250-kg bombs, CB-500-K cluster bombs, napalm bombs BLU-27
      • Rockets: LAU-10 with 4 Zuni rockets, LAU-3/A with 19 FFAAR mighty mouse rockets, Matra 155 18x68-mm
      • Missiles: AIM-9 Sidewinder, ASM-65A Maverick, Shafrir II, Matra Magic 2, Anti-ship missile Sea Eagle.
    • Additional systems: HOTAS, Navigation system and another attack system brand SAGEM, HUD of the Ferranti brand, Small rangefinder radar.
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 12.50 m
    • Wingspan: 10.6 m
    • Height: 4.25 m
    • Wings area: 20.00 m²
    • Weight empty: 3500 kg
    • Weight normal take-off: 5000 kg
    • Weight maximum take-off: 6300 kg
    • Weight Internal fuel: 1822 kg
  • Performance:
    • Powerplant: 1 TJE Garrett TFE731-5-1J, 4,300-pound-thrust
    • Maximum speed: in altitude 834 km/h, on sea level 769 km/h
    • Cruising speed: 656 km/h
    • Range: 3706 km
    • Combat radius: 370-964 km
    • Rate of climb: 1859 m/min
    • Service ceiling: 12800 m
    • Maximum overload: 7.5



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I see a problem with how the A-36 would be implemented, because it has the performance of an entry-level jet (Tier V) but has Tier VI-VII missile capabilities. Solutions to this would be either eliminating the A2A Missile capabilities for the game or putting it at a high BR, something I’m not sure would be good.

Now, I would play this even if it didn’t get missiles. I saw this for the first time at last year’s military parade and inmediately fell in love with it LOL.

…I know this is a plane that fits the Ground Battles meta the best, but we all know how the game works after all


I wonder when they are going to add cluster munition.
The booms are made in Zaragoza (Spain)

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What BR would you give him? I would like to know your opinion

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I wonder the same thing, almost all Chilean planes from before the 2000s used powerful cluster bombs made by Cardoen here in Chile

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Based on performance, either 7.0 or 7.3. Although a bit slower than most fighters at the BR, it looks like its climb rate (and probably low-speed acceleration) is above average. It would still be used as an attack bomber though. It’s similar to that Sweedish attacker that is seen at these BR brackets, forgot the name

If you consider the A2A missiles though, that’s getting into A-10 and Su-25 grounds. And I wouldn’t play it with much enthusiasm if that is the case.

I was thinking of something like the BR 9.0 since it is similar in speed to the Mig-15 of the BR 8.3, only the A-36 Toquí is much better in almost every way, the only advantage of the Mig-15 would be that it has a little more in maximum speed, but the Toquí beats it by far in weapons, fuel and rate of climb are almost equal. the Mig-15 reaches 1015 km/h while the Toquí 834 km/h is not an abysmal difference either.

Here is a comparison table:

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I still think 830 km/h is too slow for 9.0 or anything over 8.0 in general. Again, if you want it to be something like the A-10 or Su-25 then yes, but then the performance of the plane itself wont be anything competitive against enemy aircraft except the A-10s and Su-25s

tbh this aircraft could be good in game at like 9.0-8.7 however the thing that would kill it if added would be the magic 2s, those missiles single handedly would make the plane +10.7, since idk if it can carry flares, if the plane is only added with like shaf 2s then it would be good at like 9.0-8.7 magic2s would hurt it more than help it in this scenario

Some photos I took of the T-36 Halcón (training version of the A-36 Toquí) in the Chilean aeronautical museum where you can see its details and its characteristic insignia, aesthetically it is practically identical to the A-36 Toquí so the images They can give a lot of information.


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So does anybody have info on whether the Toqui can carry flares?

It does not seem like the aircraft was equiped with flares, it was retired recently so maybe it was given flares at the very end, i’m not sure

That’s unfortunate. But also kind of expected.