EEGS for rockets?

Hi, I was wondering a question that someone may have the answer to, in the dev server, the A-10C is listed as having EEGS for rockets, is this possible or is it an error ?

since EEGS stands for “Enhanced Envelop Gun Sight” and is the more advanced version of radar gunsights in hud I would say that it cant be used for rockets. whether it has it or not IRL i have no clue nor do i know how it is written in dev to indicate rockets but it shouldn’t.

I think you want to say CCIP


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What. Well i guess we dogfightin’ with rockets now

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Z-9WA, IIRC, also has EEGS for rockets and I don’t know how it works.

What Gaijin really intended the APKWS to be used for in game.

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EEGS is a thing if you mark your target with targeting pod or radar

BEHOLD it has already been done…