Douglas A3D-2 (A-3B) Skywarrior - The Whale

Yes, it suffered a nose gear failure.

While not a very flattering photo, it does show the tail gun, which was fitted to early production aircraft, before being replaced by ECM equipment.

This as well as the F3D-2M would make me very happy to see in game, even as event of premium

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139 votes and nothing. That’s kinda sad.

Personally, I feel like the game could do with more jet bombers. The focus on strike aircraft away from jet bombers, especially given that a lot of the strike aircraft are basically fighters with additional surface attack capability, kinda makes the game a bit more bland.

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+1, a long overdue jet bomber


I’d love to see more Douglas aircraft in the game (I’m an AD-4 / A2D-1 lover). Especially more jet aircraft, from the Korean War Era, would love to see this in the game more importantly.


We still need some more of the Century series. Gaijins “They dont have guns” argument was thrown out of the window some time ago (looking at the F4 when it first came in with only gun pods that were optional)… now we have F-89D with no gun options, other aircraft with gun options… Sadly by the time any of these aircraft are added we will mostly likely be well into more modern aircraft and they will inevitably place the BR in a way where they either crap on everything, or are as useful as wiping before you pinch one off.


Gaijin… when?

Maybe 8.7? If it doesn’t have any countermeasures.


Depends though, the Vatours also do not get Countermeasures but exist at 9.0.

I think they’re actually slightly faster and lighter than the A3D though, so that balances out not have any armament (on the IIB, the IIA however gets guns but doesn’t get a bombsight nor CCIP)

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