[Domination #2] Eastern Europe [Feedback]

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[Domination #2] Eastern Europe [Feedback] - #14 by Apollo_1641


This map is currently very unbalanced. The sniper position on the left respawn point can completely block the path of the right respawn point moving southward. But on the left side, it is easy to detour from the south side of the map to the vicinity of the birth point on the right side. But the player on the right has no effective countermeasures

I think Gaijin should make some changes


Yes if you play top tier, if you play anything under BR6 you can get the tiny, shit version with a single lane where you can’t flank on the field because you die to CAS after a few minutes, yeah no thanks, that maps is too small for anything over BR1 but gaijin doesn’t care. I just one death leave it, never going to play a full match outside of a 2nd plane spawn, get lost.

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Picking up from your pinned post with the explanation on the changes to the map.

There are several amphibious vehicles at a low BR, such as the LVT and the Ka-Chi, which would be able to cross the river and do exactly the same thing that you describe in your post.

The map in itself, before the changes, was fine. It was either heavy action in the center or flank and stop the enemy advance. There were options for CAS to remove people in favorable positions and so on.

I’m not sure why Gaijin decides to make those changes when other maps are in much more dire need to be reworked and adjusted, especially for higher tier combat.
And if the Dev team is then still bored, then they can adjust the Air RB missions to utilize modern weapons that have been added so graciously to the Air Arm of the game while the SPAAs are sadly underperforming against CAS.

Im not against change, but the priorities seem to be very strange.

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You can’t see, there’s hills and trees

was thinking the same.

4.3+ is too high, we have tanks that are lower br with very good cannons (Pz IV or M10) that can’t show their full potential on such a small map that is proposed for them. I think that br for this map should be 3.0+ or 3.3+.


I am mainly going to focus my opinion for vehicles at a BR of 8.0 and above.

Like many people mentioned the spawns on this map(including a ton of others) are too close together and the capture points should be spread out to not be so close to each other. The B cap should be put on the outskirts of the town to the North-West of the map. The spawns on both sides need to be placed further back, please keep vehicles that are BR 8.0 + in mind, small maps like this with the spawns to close will be terrible gameplay wise let alone the cap points being so close .

I do not understand this need with the recent updates/patches to make the maps smaller and moving the spawns closer on every map.
Please give us back the original size and versions of the maps that had the spawns further back , I also think sim sized maps direly need to be brought into RB at for vehicles 8.3 and above .
We need larger maps there is no reason why we cant have the sim maps in the rotation, cold war era-modern vehicles need bigger maps yet the devs are reducing the play area and over size of the maps with every patch why ? .

I would also like for players to be given more map bans,I honestly would ban every single map that has been recently edited/changed or reduced in size because in my opinion they are significantly worse then their originals . I wish the original versions of the maps were brought back and playable alongside the edited ones. Why not let the community vote on what versions of the maps they like or dislike more ?

Think it’s a Good Change just the points should be spread out a tiny bit more maybe move apart a and c one or two House short sides each

Will it be an additional Version of the map or will it replace the old layout completely?
Did like the old version too
Alot more than the big versions of this map