Does the Abrams have a spall liner? No from what I could find

Hull ammo? What do you think the blowout panels are for? Hull ammo only exists in a full load.

When we are doing public exercises there is no limitation to their footage. When news reporters have been permitted on base for certain events there was no limitation to their footage. When we did interview with people, there was no limitation to their footage. I’ve never once had media record us and then need to hand over their footage.

The only pictures and footage that are going to end up going through the classification systems are that which was taken by the military itself. If they were recording something that was restricted or classified they’d instead simply be asked to delete it. No one is taking their SD cards.

I was gonna mention this lol

There are no blowout panels for the hull ammo on the Leopard, and even in the most modernized versions of the Leopard the hull ammo doesn’t have any serious protection or compartmentalization from the crew. Forget spall liners, a single round through the lower plate and the entire tank is smithereens just like a T-72.

The Abrams hull ammo has a top, bottom, and side blowout panel and bulkhead separating it from the crew.

In any case, the spall liner people keep mentioning for the tank is not visible in this photo, nor would it have been useful. People really overthinking this.

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Maybe we shouldn’t have wars at all since it is harmful to human health. Let alone shoot each other…

Yeah its harmful if it enters you body so don’t eat it

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Which are also 30-40 years older lol

God I love marketing speak, cause I can’t find any actual reference to ‘M1A1 requirements’ anywhere.

Source here:

You do realize the XM-1 (not the ones in-game, but the one the Abrams came from, which was almost identical to the first M1 Abrams) is from the 70s? The Abrams is almost 50 years old. Are you implying that the Leopard 2 and CV90 are from the 1940s-1950s?

30-40 years old is the 80s/90s my guy

Oh, so the Abrams is a brand new tank? My mistake. Didn’t know that.

The CV9040 does not have a “car dashboard rug” hanging.


that liner is covered by a inner layer as to nog get thing caught in the fabric while moving around in there.


Crews breathe in the dust generated by firing and are exposed to it by handling it without PPE. In general it is a substantial health hazard.

I mean, in general heavy metal dust is a health hazard period. Big surprise there /s


Being a youtuber doesnt mean anything

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Uranium has all the normal toxicity associated with heavy metals while also having a very high affinity for phosphate receptors in the body, so it tends to accumulate in bones where it can deliver low levels of cancer causing radiation for years, while also just being toxic itself. I’m not saying it’s the scariest thing on the planet but I can easily understand why so many militaries want nothing to do with it, or are very careful about where they deploy it.

I’m aware, seemed he had experience with miltech is all.

Was watching smarter every day talk to a sub sonar tech about how the system works and literally had a commanding officer sitting in on the conversation and telling him what can and can’t be on film. After the interview he had to give it over to be checked.

Now public events and such there of course will be no such precautions and I never claimed there would be. I was referring to pictures taken of tank assembly plants that you googled. Clearly those would be under scrutiny in a private facility building one of the main classified vehicles for the US army.

DU is as dangerous as any other heavy metal penetrator bar the pyrophoric effects which only exist on penetration and are just incendiary secondaries.

Folks seem to think the way DU kills you is unique, when in reality, heavy metal poisoning is still heavy metal poisoning if its tungsten or DU.

but uranium word scary!!

Yes, and the US military used it in a ton of applications, and denied its danger for decades until recently and the VA has a whole modern section focused on it, which only occurred after congressional approval and admitting after decades of gaslighting its toxic. But the exposure rate is extremely small compared to say, the burn pits in the middle east or agent orange

People. Stop using modern information and admittance to discredit past reality

DU was all over. Just because it had health consequences doesn’t mean it wasn’t used lol

I guess agent orange never existed because poor regulation and lies told everyone it was safe to bathe in and then all of those people died violently later, and the truth was finally out. Like yeah, it was terrible, and frankly most information on DU toxicity was scarce for decades, as it wasnt an answer they were eager to find out


Tungsten isn’t toxic